Is there nothing the right won’t call a “false flag”?
Is there nothing the right won’t call a “false flag”?
By David Futrelle
Some TERFs — trans-exclusionary radical feminists — seem nearly as obsessed with “trans crime” as Trump is with “immigrant crime,” and as Der Sturmer once was with “Jewish crime.”
By David Futrelle
Pity the poor Nazis, who are evidently having a difficult time dealing with the fact that Taylor Swift is never ever, ever getting back together with them, even though she was never ever, ever together with them in the first place.
By David Futrelle
Oh dear. It seems the Alt-Right is in a bit of a tizzy again, and this time the culprit is Christopher Cantwell, the gun-loving Nazi and former A Voice for Men contributor who gained a certain pathetic notoriety for posting a tearful, fearful video after learning he was wanted by the police for tear-gassing antifascist counterprotesters at the Unite the Right rally last summer in Charlottesville.
So today some anonymous someone posted an almost certainly bullshit story on Reddit’s Men Going Their Own Way subreddit claiming that he just learned that his ex-wife (and mother to his children) had been murdered — and that he was feeling pretty happy about it.
Milo Yiannopoulos’s “Privilege Grant” was announced with great fanfare back in January. The alleged college scholarship program, designed to tweak PC sensibilities by offering money only to white males, was supposed to start offering scholarships this fall, providing 50 lucky white dudes $2500 each, for a total of $125,000 in its initial year, $25,000 of which would come from Milo himself.
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So the Hugo Awards were last night, and, as many of you no doubt already know, the Puppies went down in defeat.
For those who haven’t been following the ongoing culture war in the world of science fiction, a group of cultural reactionaries decided to try to strike a blow against what they see as the Social Justice Warriorization of the SF world by essentially stuffing the ballot boxes for the Hugo Award nominations with two slates of their own candidates, dubbed the Sad and the Rabid Puppies. They succeeded in this ignoble task, with many of the categories in the final ballot filled entirely with writers put forward by one or the other of the Puppy slates.
Yes, that’s right: the top “featured article” on A Voice for Men today is titled:
The post in question — reprinted from examiner.com — is an example of the bold new direction for AVFM that site founder and chief tantrum-thrower Paul Elam announced proudly a little over a month ago, and which, he explained, was proof of AVFM’s great success in “chang[ing] the public narrative about sexual politics.”
So the new Reddit CEO — returning co-founder Steve “Spez” Huffman — announced the site’s much-anticipated new content guidelines today, and to say that they are disappointing is a bit of an understatement.
Essentially, he told the site’s many varieties of bigots that they could continue to spout their various bigotries on Reddit without repercussions, so long as they didn’t actually threaten to, you know, go out and murder or otherwise physically harm people whose sexual preferences or skin color or religion (or whatever) didn’t meet their approval.
Only now the bigots will be posting on Reddit s dime.