bad history bad science further reading very bad advice

The “Airport Books” that destroyed the world. Tell me some big popular books that you actually hate

Stock photo models enjoy Airport Books in the airport

So I’m working on a bigger piece on a recent report about incels, but in the meantime I found myself a little distracted by a thread on Twitter about harmful “Airport Books” — that is, those non-fiction books usually with one big and possibly very bad idea that are waiting to snare unwary passengers at the airport bookstore.

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“Cum is Murder,” explains dude who missed a day in sex ed

So today a Redditor went to the relationship_advice subreddit with an important question: “why does coming to ejaculate matter so much that I lose relationships because I choose not to ejaculate but let my sexual partner have orgasms. (Archived here.)

bad science cultural marxism lgbtq lying liars transphobia

“Is Gender Dysphoria a Marxist Weapon Against Judeo-Christian Civilization?” asks man who doesn’t know how anything works

Political discourse on the right today often seems like little more than a battle of the buzzwords, with the victory going to whoever can stuff the most buzzwords into their proclamations, never mind what they might possibly mean.

bad science Marjorie Taylor Greene the federalist transmisogyny transphobia

No, the trans movement isn’t “coming for your children.” But Marjorie Taylor Greene is

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Accidentally swallowing a bug?

Opening up Twitter today, I was greeeted with this headline:

'bating bad science NoFap satan

NoFapChristian: “PORN is the main tool the devil uses to feminize men”

Also you’ll end up in HELL haw haw haw

The folks on the NoFapChristian subreddit are not exactly fans of Satan or his ongoing efforts to ruin their no-fap streaks by seducing them into looking at porn. But I haven’t seen any discussions of Satan and porn get quite as weird as the one I encountered there today.

alt-lite bad science disinformation homophobia lying liars monkeypox

Marjorie Taylor Greene spreads the lie that monkeypox is a sexually transmitted disease, insinuating that gay “groomers” are giving it to kids

Blankets: possible monkeypox spreaders

Christian nationalist congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is spreading an insidious lie about monkeypox. On Saturday, she Tweeted this:

bad anatomy bad science dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about misogyny semen

5 completely cockeyed myths about sperm

There’s liquid gold in them thar balls

Sperm is in the news again. On Friday, as some of you may know already, Utah state Rep. Karianne Lisonbee (a Republican, naturally) offered her take on the always controversial topic, suggesting to the press that women should feel just fine in the post-Roe age because they can control the “intake of semen” into their bodies:

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Bad news for Chads: Women don’t like you either


It’s a sad day for Chads: An incel “theoretician” has revealed one more feminine secret — that women don’t really like Chads much more than they like (or don’t like) ordinary schmoes.

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Semen is “the real Elixir of the human body,” so DO NOT WASTE IT even if you sort of want to, like REALLY want to, and I mean would it be that big a deal if you did?

Always protect your balls

The guys in the Semen Retention subreddit are just really, really, really into their own semen “the real Elixir of the human body.”

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“Ejaculating outside a vagina is cheating against nature,” and other uninsightful insights I found in the Semen Retention subreddit

Don’t waste your precious bodily fluids

I‘ve been rooting around in the Semen Retention subreddit again, and the insights I’m gaining about the wondrous power of my precious bodily fluids … well, they’re actually pretty terrible and I’m fairly certain that none of them are true.