ableism alt-lite lgbtq literal nazis transphobia

Right-wingers are accusing Crayola of perversion for posting pictures of a disabled trans man

So the latest company to rouse the ire of the right-wing boycott-threatening squad is Crayola. Yes, the crayon company. Crayola’s sin? The company posted three pictures of a disabled trans man on its social media accounts as part of their celebration of #DisabilityPrideMonth.

anti-Semitism grooming literal nazis quiz TERFs transphobia

Who said it, Gender Crit or Nazi? Drag Queen Story Hour Edition

Pop quiz!

Some of the quotes below are from a discussion of Drag Queen Story Hour on the “GenderCritical” forum on Ovarit. The rest are from literal Nazis, either posting on Stormfront or on Can you tell the difference?

announcements homophobia literal nazis misogyny transphobia

Bucking the Backlash: Why I’ll be writing more about the attacks on trans people

Some of you might have noticed that I’ve changed the tag line for this site to ‘Bucking the Backlash,” replacing the old tag “Misogyny, Tracked and Mocked.” This is both a reflection of what’s been going on with the blog already and where I see it going in the future.

literal nazis misogyny threats transphobia

Bad News Bites: Train blame, gun threats and the inspirational … Adolf Hitler?

Hitler fighting back a sneeze

Today, three unsettling news stories that have sort of fallen through the cracks in recent days.

anti-Semitism antifeminism conspiracy theory literal nazis misogyny MRA playing the victim

Men’s Rights Redditor: “A man in the west in 2021 is no different from a Jew in Poland in 1940”

A group of anti-vaxxers caused a stir the other day by wearing yellow stars of David to a protest — suggesting that the alleged oppression they face is analogous to that faced by Jews in Hitler’s Germany.

Naturally, one Men’s Rights Redditor has done them one better, comparing men in general to Jews in 1940s Germany.

alt-right anti-Semitism conspiracy theory incels literal nazis MGTOW misogyny MRA racism rape culture

Misogyny can be the first step down the slippery slope towards fascism, new report confirms

A Men’s Rights activist, an incel, and an antisemite walk into a restaurant. The restaurant owner says, “hey Larry, do you want your usual table for one?”

alt-right body horror daily stormer incels literal nazis misogyny vulvas

Going full incel, The Daily Stormer tries to labia-shame “roasties” into giving up sex

Popular incel meme reposted on the Daily Stormer. See, the joke is she says she loves to travel but really she just likes fucking dudes in different countries, thus “blowing out” her vulva and making it look like a roast beef sandwich. Which is a myth.

It’s not news that internet Nazis have been trying to recruit incels to their cause — after all, like the Nazis, incels are angry, unhappy, hateful. All of which makes them perfect fodder for the internet Nazi army.

anti-Semitism literal nazis lying liars racism

Is Paul Craig Roberts on LSD or am I?

Paul Craig Roberts: Tripping balls?

So I started reading this column by Paul Craig Roberts explaining why “white privilege and white racism are hoaxes” and I began to feel a little woozy. Roberts’ leaps of logic were so strange and vertiginous I began to halfway wonder if someone had put something in my drink. Or in his.

andrew anglin daily stormer literal nazis misogyny racism

The Daily Stormer rejoices in the death of a Chicago cop, because she was a woman

Ella French, killed in the line of duty

It’s always a struggle, in the head of the Daily Stormer’s top Nazi Andrew Anglin, to decide whom he hates the most — the traditional Nazi favorites (Jews, people of color) or women of any race.

anti-Semitism coronavirus drama kings literal nazis the wayward press

Natural Getting the COVID vaccine is pretty much exactly like being gassed in a Nazi death camp

These are happening too

Natural News is a health site gone bad, given over to New Age quackery and right-wing conspiracy theories. It won’t shock you to learn that the people running the site aren’t exactly big fans of the COVID vaccine.