gateway pundit none dare call it conspiracy racism reactionary bullshit satan

Could it be … Satan? 12 people and things Gateway Pundit has called “demonic,” and I’m pretty sure they mean it literally

Joe Biden: A literal demon?

Many political publications demonize their opponents, but few do it as literally as Gateway Pundit. The fact-challenged, frequently hysterical, conspiracy-minded far-right site that has been known to get more traffic than USA Today just loves calling their assorted enemies, from Democrats to the media, “demonic.” And by this, they seem to mean that literal minions of Satan are infesting or at least advising all these antagonists of theirs.

misogyny none dare call it conspiracy rape jokes that's not funny! victim blaming yeah that's the ticket

Louder with Crowder suggests that NY Gov Kathy Hochul infiltrated the New York Post to threaten herself with rape

Is there nothing the right won’t call a “false flag”?

Dunning–Kruger effect none dare call it conspiracy trump twitter

A stroll in the fetid swamp that is the Twitter hashtag #BidenWillNeverBePresident

MAGA art

Sometimes I can’t bring myself to dive headlong into the swamp that is the misogynistic internet. So today I decided to take a look instead at a different sort of swamp — the Twitter hashtag #BidenWillNeverBePresident, where an assortment of Trumo dead-enders have decided to congregate and enjoy their collective delusions together.

antifeminism MGTOW misogyny none dare call it conspiracy

MGTOW conspiracy of the day: Elites are “infecting” corporations with women to deliberately destroy the economy

Women, destroying things as usual

Here’s an intriguing, if slightly confusing, conspiracy theory I found in the MGTOW subreddit today from a commenter who’s convinced that women are allowing themselves to be the “useful idiots” in a vast and seemingly nonsensical plot to destroy the world’s economy.

4chan anti-Semitism coronavirus none dare call it conspiracy trump

4Chan responds to Trump’s COVID diagnosis with antisemitism, conspiracy theories, and … poetry?

So I thought I’d check in to see how our old frens over at 4Chan’s /pol/ board were taking the news that Trump has been hospitalized with the coronavirus.

coronavirus Dunning–Kruger effect gender policing men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy reddit trump

Women worry too much about coronavirus because they’re irrational creatures who need to be put in their place, Reddit conspiracist argues

Like a lot of men, Trump won’t wear his big boy mask

By David Futrelle

Donald Trump isn’t the only man who refuses to wear a protective face mask because he thinks it’ll make him look like a wuss. A new study from researchers at Middlesex University and Berkeley reports that men are less likely than women to wear masks because, for too many of them, masks are for sissies.

Dunning–Kruger effect entitled babies evil sex-having women evil sexy ladies gender policing men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny NoFap none dare call it conspiracy precious bodily fluids reddit semen

Full Balls and Fat Bottomed Girls: Reddit NoFapper explains why women “need to be leaded by men”

And men with big balls shall lead thee

By David Futrelle

As something of a connoisseur of misogyny, I’m drawn to the Semen Retention subreddit by its unique mixture of woman-hating and penis-centric woo. While the woo is blatant and ridiculous — the men there think that retaining their sacred seed will give them magical powers and make them irresistible to women and other living things — the misogyny is generally a little subtler.

But not always.

NoFap none dare call it conspiracy reddit TROOOOLLLL?

Just a little coronavirus conspiracy theory, courtesy of a possibly really stoned NoFapper

By David Futrelle

I‘ll do a real post tomorrow but in the meantime here’s an intriguing conspiracy theory I found in the NoFap subreddit.

alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny NoFap none dare call it conspiracy reddit

Jews eschew masturbation because they want to rule the world, antisemitic Semen Retainers allege

Sometimes the Red Pill comes emblazoned with a swastika

By David Futrelle

We’ve watched as the more misogynistic offshoot of the Men’s Rights movements known as MGTOW has gotten more Nazified over the last several years — more friendly to alt-right memes, more open to Nazi ideology. Given that the Men Going Their Own Way is rooted in the hatred of women, it’s not surprising to see so many MGTOWs open to other forms of hate; hate often comes in clusters.

4chan alt-right empathy deficit entitled babies eugenics incels Islamophobia mass shooting misogyny none dare call it conspiracy QAnon racism

No, the racist mass shooter in Hanau, Germany was NOT an incel

A makeshift memorial for the victims in Hanau

By David Futrelle

On Wednesday night, a gunman opened fire on patrons at two separate hookah bars in Hanau, Germany, killing nine; he and his elderly mother were later found dead in his apartment.