4chan 8chan aggrieved entitlement alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism daily stormer evil sex-having women fragile masculinity literal nazis mass shooting misogyny racism

The gunman who killed two in an attack on a German synagogue is a misogynist as well as an antisemite. Because they always are.

By David Futrelle

Earlier today, a gunman killed two in Halle, Germany in a failed assault on a synagogue; had he been able to get into the building itself — the door was locked and quickly barricaded — the death toll would have been much higher. He was quickly taken into custody.

4chan 8chan alt-lite alt-right chad thundercock empathy deficit entitled babies evil sex-rejecting ladies incels irony alert literal nazis memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism twitter

Why it’s a good thing that the Air Force gave a briefing on the dangers of incel terrorism

Not a real picture of the briefing

By David Futrelle

Hearing the news that Air Force personnel at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland were recently given a briefing on the threat posed by the incel movement — complete with slides featuring incel obsessions Becky and Stacy — some reacted with predictable jokes.

4chan 8chan alt-lite alt-right chris cantwell hypocrisy infowars irony alert Islamophobia open thread playing the victim racism TROOOOLLLL? twitter white genocide

Christchurch mosque shootings: The Aftermath (Twitter roundup/open thread)

Flowers punned to the gate of one of the mosques targeted in yesterday’s shooting

By David Futrelle

From Twitter, some thoughts about the horrific tragedy yesterday in Christchurch — and just who is responsible for creating the toxic environment in which this sort of murderous right-wing Islamophobic extremism thrives.

"ethics" 4chan 8chan bad history boner rage chad thundercock creepy cuck douchebaggery empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies evil sexy ladies harassment irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA paul elam red pill reddit the olden days

Red Pillers cheer dudes reporting online sex workers to the IRS, hoping the #ThotAudit will “check” female sexuality

Hello IRS? I’ve changed my mind about taxes being evil and want to report a woman selling pics of her tits on Instagram

By David Futrelle

While most Americans were enjoying Thanksgiving, a small army of brave cyberwarriors were launching a guerrilla assault on … women selling nude pics of themselves online, reporting them to the IRS en masse for supposed tax evasion. (Or at least threatening to.)

4chan 8chan alt-lite alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism crank magnetism daily stormer literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny racism rape rape culture reddit white genocide white supremacy

MGTOWs are channeling the alt-right again, accusing women voters of ushering in “the Great Replacement”

MGTOWs are increasingly echoing alt-right arguments about women

By David Futrelle

The alt-rightification of the Men Going Their Own Way movement continues apace, with Reddit MGTOWs echoing racist alt-right talking points to argue, as many MGTOWs long have, that women should never have been given the right to vote.

4chan 8chan baby men empathy deficit entitled babies infowars irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever npc self-own sockpuppetry troll nation TROOOLLLL!! twitter

My response to the hundreds of NPC memers who have swarmed my Twitter saying identical things, like normal human beings do

This meme was pretty much inevitable huh? (Found on Reddit)

By David Futrelle

Over the weekend, I put up a brief post about the sudden proliferation of “NPC” accounts on Twitter — noting the small irony that right-wing trolls were using a veritable army of sockpuppet accounts all spouting identical rhetoric and posting identical memes in order to prove that liberals and leftist are soulless, robotic “Non-Player Characters.”

4chan 8chan irony alert memes npc sockpuppetry transphobia TROOOLLLL!! twitter

Trolls launch campaign to prove that SJWs are a bunch of fake “Non-Player Characters” by … creating fake NPC accounts

What are you even doing, guys?

By David Futrelle

As I noted the other day, the big thing among right-wing shitposters at the moment is the “NPC” meme — an attempt to insult and dehumanize so-called Social Justice Warriors by declaring them to be, in effect, a bunch of “Non-Player Characters” who respond to everything right-wingers say with a few meaningless catchphrases, much like NPCs in video games.

8chan alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny none dare call it conspiracy playing the victim PUA QAnon red pill reddit trump white supremacy

Bannedit? Two days after banning alt-right MillionDollarExtreme subreddit, Reddit nukes its QAnon forum

A sad night in QAnonsville

By David Futrelle

Is Reddit finally learning how to ban correctly?

8chan anti-Semitism citation needed Dunning–Kruger effect gaslighting grandiosity gullibility hillary clinton irony alert none dare call it conspiracy pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles QAnon

The QAnon conspiracy snowball gets bigger and dirtier: A visit to the GreatAwakening subreddit

The world looks pretty scary once you start seeing sinister patterns everywhere

By David Futrelle

By now you may be familiar with the broad outlines of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which might be described, in essence, as Pizzagate on steroids.

#ResistTrump 4chan 8chan actual activism alpha males alt-right drama kings empathy deficit entitled babies fashy immigrants Islamophobia literal nazis mammoth classic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny narcissism none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men racism

Mammoth Classic: Trump is the very model of Umberto Eco’s Ur-Fascist

This graphic isn’t subtle. Neither is Trump

By David Futrelle

I‘ve written a lot of posts for this blog since I started it in 2010. 3629, to be exact, not including 80 drafts of posts that I decided for some reason weren’t worth posting. It occurs to me that not all readers of this blog have literally read every single post on it. So they — you — may have missed out on some Actual Good Posts of mine from years past.