By David Futrelle
Our old friend Stefan Molyneux, the racist YouTube “philosopher” and sort-of cult leader, has a new obsession. Can you guess what it is?
By David Futrelle
Our old friend Stefan Molyneux, the racist YouTube “philosopher” and sort-of cult leader, has a new obsession. Can you guess what it is?
By David Futrelle
Alt-rightish YouTube “philosopher” Stefan Molyneux doesn’t much like fat people or women who don’t have babies when they’re, by his standards, sufficiently young. So I guess it’s not altogether surprising that he’s managed to work both of these bugaboos into a conspiracy theory suggesting that the fat acceptance movement is part of a nefarious plot to lower (white) birthrates in the west.
By David Futrelle
I regret to inform you that the bad tweeters are at it again. Here, an assortment of very bad takes, from some familiar names and a few up-and-comers.
By David Futrelle
Yesterday afternoon, the Alt-Rightish YouTube “philosopher” Stefan Molyneux decided that the world needed to hear his thoughts on Taylor Swift’s eggs. Not her egg salad recipe (if she has one) or her favorite way to prepare an omelette. Her eggs eggs. The ones inside her body.
By David Futrelle
Everybody’s favorite racist, lady-hating philosopher-impersonator has found a new target for his wrath: wine moms.
By David Futrelle
Stefan Molyneux is having a bad time. In a recent YouTube video, the white nationalist philosopher-impersonator chronicles what he calls his “brutal year,” with YouTube views dropping precipitously — due, he says, to alleged unspecified YouTube machinations against him —and his other moneymaking attempts failing. He throws himself on the mercy of his 929,000 YouTube supporters, begging for donations and promising half-seriously to write a new book on whatever subject they collectively demand.
By David Futrelle
The last time we checked in on YouTube philosopher racist crackpot Stefan Molyneux, he was trying his hand at slam poetry, sort of. Now he’s become a beauty blogger. Or beauty tweeter, anyway, unleashing a veritable tweetstorm on the subject of makeup over the last several days.
By David Futrelle
YouTube “philosopher” and erstwhile Men’s Rights Activist Stefan Molyneux has been an open white nationalist in all but name for some time now, ranting endlessly about race and IQ, spreading disinformation about alleged “white genocide” in South Africa, and wondering aloud why more countries can’t be like almost-exclusively white Poland, free of what he sees as the burden of diversity.
By David Futrelle
Racist YouTube “philosopher” and self-described Men’s Rights Activist Stefan Molyneux is saying the quiet part loud again. I guess that’s kind of his thing now.
By David Futrelle
Manosphere men are obsessed with the idea that women are naturally unfaithful, willing and eager to cheat on their husbands or boyfriends with any alpha male that happens to glance in their direction — a female proclivity these guys like to call “hypergamy,” a highfalutin word borrowed from anthropology and radically redefined to give their altogether unscientific, and thoroughly misogynistic, assumption the patina of SCIENCE.