a woman is always to blame foids incels pedophilia

Slightly new incel theory: Women drive short men to pedophilia because they won’t sleep with short men

So a regular commenter on somehow ran across a study that found “pedophilic and … hebephilic sexual offenders [to be] significantly shorter than” men who aren’t sexually attracted to underage girls.

The incel’s takeaway from all this: It’s women’s fault that pedophiles exist in the first place because they won’t have sex with short men (allegedly).

a voice for men a woman is always to blame creepy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture

A Voice for Men: The real victim in the Harvey Weinstein case is Harvey Weinstein

By David Futrelle

The folks at the Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men like to make up their own rules about rape. The founder of the formerly-sort-of-influential site, one Paul Elam, once famously announced that he was so mad about the way rape trials are conducted that if he were to serve on a jury in such a trial he “vow[ed] publicly to vote not guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the charges are true.”

a woman is always to blame entitled babies grandiosity homophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever miscegenation misogyny none dare call it conspiracy playing the victim racism

It’s like a hammer to the gut: One Angry Gamer reacts to Lady Thor

Meet the new Thor, not the same as the old Thor

By David Futrelle

You can always count on the dude who calls himself One Angry Gamer to have a highly nuanced reaction to developments in the gaming and comics worlds. For example, take his reaction to the news yesterday that the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder movie will feature Natalie Portman — a LADY — as none other than Thor himherself.

a woman is always to blame boobs butts concern trolls evil sexy ladies fundies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny warren farrell

Are women oppressing men with their shoulders and/or other sexy body parts? A very serious investigation

Women dominating men with their sexy shoulders

By David Futrelle

Yesterday, an older British gentleman who describes himself as a “Journalist Extraordinaire” received a light roasting on Twitter after he declared that women who “wear clothes showing a lot of flesh in the shoulder, leg and … bosom department” are somehow undermining the long struggle for gender equality through their choice of attire.

a woman is always to blame entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny neckbeard rights oppressed men playing the victim reddit

Croc Blocked? Redditor says he lost a promotion because of his footwear. But maybe it’s really because he’s a huge goddamn creep?

By David Futrelle

There’s a little bit of drama going on in the Am I the Asshole subreddit, where Redditors who suspect that they might just possibly have behaved a teensy bit improperly (but probably not) go to tell their stories and get a ruling on their asshole status from their peers.

a woman is always to blame empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties gender policing men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism

“Feminized vegans” leave the UK open to immigrant infiltration, and other barmy insights from Daily Mail readers

By David Futrelle

The Daily Mail is famous for its uniquely British mixture of judgy prurience and good old-fashioned xenophobia. So naturally the comments section of its online edition is home to some of the worst takes the internet has to offer.

#gamergate a near for men a voice for men a woman is always to blame alt-right Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties female beep boop gynocentrism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam twitter YouTube

“The default setting for romantic relationships is abusive toward men,” angry Men’s Rights grandpa Paul Elam declares

Paul Elam, mad about something

By David Futrelle

Remember this guy? Once upon a time, Paul Elam, founder of the misogynistic hate site A Voice for Men and once one of the world’s more (in)famous Men’s Rights activists, was a mainstay in the virtual pages of We Hunted the Mammoth.

a woman is always to blame harassment irony alert Islamophobia misogyny none dare call it conspiracy racism twitter

Right-wingers are using the Notre Dame fire as an excuse to attack Ilhan Omar

By David Futrelle

Right-wingers on Twitter stopped their incessant attacks on congresswoman Ilhan Omar long enough to notice that Notre Dame was on fire, apparently (according to police) because of a construction accident. And then they started tweeting again, with many of them simply incorporating the devastating fire into their attacks on the congreswoman and Muslims in general.

a woman is always to blame baby men cringe drama kings entitled babies gender policing imaginary oppression mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny nerd rage playing the victim special snowflaking

Nick Fury is shown washing dishes: The Top 5 Worst Male-Bashing Elements in Captain Marvel, according to some dingus

Lady Captain Marvel misandering in front of a dude

By David Futrelle

You’ve probably heard of the Christian movie review sites that rate whether or not the latest Hollywood offerings will be good wholesome fun for the entire (evangelical Christian) family, carefully cataloging each film’s unsavory elements, from beheadings to glimpses of nipple, and even how many times characters in movies take the Lord’s name in vain?

a voice for men a woman is always to blame empathy deficit hypocrisy irony alert misogyny MRA rape rape culture reddit sexual abuse sexual assault sexual exploitation

MRAs say they care about the sexual abuse of boys. So why aren’t they talking about Bryan Singer?

By David Futrelle

Director Bryan Singer — best known for The Usual Suspects and a succession of X-Men movies — has been dogged for decades by rumors, and then outright accusations, that he preys on underage boys. On Tuesday, The Atlantic dropped a massive, extensively researched piece offering the details of some of these accusations, including the stories of four men who have never come forward before.