alpha males antifeminism crackpottery dark enlightenment empathy deficit evil SJWs gender policing grandiosity homophobia irony alert lazy women eating bon bons men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains sarcasm transphobia

Yet another Manosphere doofus thinks Bruce Jenner is “having a sex change because females get more attention.”

Is it all their fault?
Is it all their fault?

Blame it on Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall, Kylie and Kris.

Following on the heels of Men’s Rights idiots Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield and Christian J, a writer for Return of Kings is suggesting that Bruce Jenner is transitioning out of envy at the attention the assorted Kardashian women get from paparazzi and the press.

As David Garrett sees it, Jenner is upset that he’s been

$MONEY$ antifeminism antifeminist women evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA transphobia

Another idiot MRA: Bruce Jenner is transitioning because Kardashian women make “millions flashing tits and arse.”

Bruce Jenner: Had a career long before Keeping Up With the Kardashians came along
Bruce Jenner: Had a career long before Keeping Up With the Kardashians came along

It turns out that Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield is not the only idiot Men’s Rightser who thinks Bruce Jenner is transitioning out of jealousy that Kim and the rest of the Kardashian women have “the power to use tits and ass and turn it into cash,” as Bloomfield put it in a recent blog post.

Men’s Rights blogger Christian J — the fellow behind the “What Men Are Saying About Women ..” blog, and the inventor of the MRA Two Dot Ellipsisthinks that the former Olympian and Wheaties box model is “acting like a bitch.” Mr. J wonders

antifeminism antifeminist women FemRAs FeMRAsplaining judgybitch misogyny MRA transphobia

MRA Janet Bloomfield: Bruce Jenner “is joining the privileged caste … For the vast majority of men, that isn’t an option.”

Jenner on 20/20
Jenner on 20/20

In an interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, Bruce Jenner has confirmed to the world what many already suspected, that “for all intents and purposes, I am a woman.”

The strangest reaction to this news that I have seen thus far comes from the reliably strange and terrible Janet “JudgyBitch” Bloomfield, who seems to think that Jenner is transitioning out of jealousy of the attention the world pays to Kim Kardashian and her sisters.

Here’s Bloomfield:

#gamergate entitled babies evil SJWs men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sarkeesian! the c-word threats transphobia zoe quinn

GamerGate may be fading, but its harassment never ends

GamerGate logic, sharkified
GamerGate logic, sharkified

Welcome back, my friends, to the harassment that never ends.

It’s not news that GamerGate is fading – the media hubbub has died down, and the last I checked the volume of Tweets to the #GamerGate hashtag has dropped to only about a fifth of what it was in its glory days.

But it’s too soon to say it’s over. Because while the number of Gaters has shrunk, the harassment of GamerGate’s targets goes on, and on, and on. Indeed, for the three “Literally Whos” who’ve been the central targets of #GamerGate harassment little has changed. The death threats, the rape threats, the insults, the harassing Tweets and comments and emails and phone calls all continue.

And then the Gaters accuse the “Literally Whos” of faking their harassment in a bid for sympathy and cash.

Let’s look at each in turn:

antifeminism attention seeking bears dark enlightenment drama kings evil ugly women grandiosity hate men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit transphobia vox day

Vox Day: "Feminism is a Satanic, anti-Christian, anti-reason, anti-science ideology that destroys literally everything it touches and everyone who embraces it."

Man protecting himself from the evils of feminism
Man protecting himself from the evils of feminism

Oh dear. Fantasy author and garbage person Vox Day is having one of those (vox) days, and has decided to take it out on, you guessed it, feminism, pounding out an overwrought little rant on his Alpha Game blog.

Never give feminists an inch. Don’t agree with them, don’t tolerate them, show them no mercy whatsoever. Feminism is a Satanic, anti-Christian, anti-reason, anti-science ideology that destroys literally everything it touches and everyone who embraces it.

Wow. He’s so mad he’s practically plagiarizing Pat Robertson’s famous quote about feminism being “a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” I’m not sure how Vox managed to forget the lesbian witchcraft angle.

#gamergate 8chan bullying conspiracy theory entitled babies evil SJWs homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny transphobia

8channers defend themselves against charges of transphobia with more transphobia

Panning for poop on 8chan
Panning for poop on 8chan

Yesterday, I noted some of the nasty transphobia that had shown up in a recent /gg/ thread on 8chan, undercutting somewhat the claims to respectability we’ve been hearing a lot of from GamerGaters recently. Well, 8channers noticed my post, and weren’t exactly pleased about it.

But their responses to my post, well, they didn’t exactly suggest that the transphobia I saw in the earlier thread was some sort of fluke.

Oh, sure, some of the commenters complained, as my critics often do, that I had “quote mined” the earlier thread.

#gamergate 4chan 8chan advocacy of violence antifeminism entitled babies evil fat fatties evil SJWs feminism grandiosity gross incompetence harassment hate speech hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with ponies ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny transphobia twitter

GamerGate plays Good Cop, Viciously Transphobic Cop

GamerGaters: You're not fooling anyone.
GamerGaters: You’re not fooling anyone.

#GamerGaters have been spending a lot of time lately trying to convince the world that they’re really quite reasonable people, actually, and that the “movement’s” reputation as a hotbed of hateful bullying is undeserved.

Today on 8Chan’s /gg/ board, for example, one enterprising anon announced the start of “OP FIREHEART,” a combination of “Operation Firefly + Operation Lonely Hearts.”

a voice for men bullying doubling down empathy deficit harassment hypocrisy misogyny MRA paul elam red pill transphobia

In which Paul Elam, alleged human rights champion, tells me to kill myself



 Paul Elam @AVoiceForMen  ·  2 hours ago  David Futrelle: Please kill yourself

So that was A Voice for Men founder Paul Elam’s response to a recent post of mine talking about Christopher Cantwell, an AVFM contributor who also likes to tell people to kill themselves.

In an AVFM post also titled David Futrelle: Please kill yourself, Elam waxed eloquent upon this theme:

David, please go kill yourself.

You should, however, before you slip away into the dark void that resembles your capacity for logic, consider that you may want to get out more. A lot more, actually.

“Please kill yourself,” in the context of Twitter and a lot of other internet exchanges is par for the course.

That is sadly true, Paul. I see that as a problem; you apparently see it as an excuse for the harassment and abuse you and your followers so enjoy heaping upon your opponents in the name of “Men’s Human Rights.”

Apparently, in Elam’s world, the best way to fight male suicide is by telling other men to kill themselves.

Oh, but one of Elam’s fans has an answer to that, too:

RedPillPhil ‏Futrelle isn’t a male so there’s no hypocrisy

Human rights advocates at work!

#gamergate 8chan men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny transphobia

Inside #GamerGate's super seekrit plan to take over Tumblr with cute cat pics and Vivian James

Actually, it's about ethics in cynical Tumblr takeover plots
Actually, it’s about ethics in cynical Tumblr takeover plots

GamerGaters claim they’re on the side of truth and righteousness, but they sure do love monologuing like cartoon villains.

They claim to be shocked by alleged evidence of journalistic collusion, yet they happily plot strategies and “operations” together both in secret and in broad daylight. They claim to be about ethics, but regularly employ not-so-subtle subterfuge to try to disguise their carefully coordinated propaganda campaigns as spontaneous uprisings.

This week, GamerGaters on 8chan launched a new “operation” to win over the hearts and minds of the masses on Tumblr. And it’s as ethically bankrupt as anything they’ve ever done.

Operation Firefly, as it’s officially known, is an attempt to take the GamerGate “fight” to a “new frontier.” Tumblr.  As the originator of the initiative explains it in a somewhat less-than-stirring manifesto:

#gamergate 8chan a woman is always to blame antifeminism creepy douchebaggery doxing drama kings entitled babies gross incompetence harassment hate homophobia transphobia video games zoe quinn

Teacher: "Don't be a creep. Embrace women in gaming." GamerGaters: Welcome to "the House of Pain."

Unfortunately, GamerGaters aren't action figures.
Unfortunately, GamerGaters aren’t action figures.

GamerGaters sometimes try to rebut charges of misogyny by pointing out that the targets of their wrath aren’t only women. And that’s true. They also target men … who stand up for women.

Mike Stuchbery, a writer and teacher in England, recently aroused the wrath of the Gaters by posting a brief essay titled “A Letter To The Gamerdudes In My Classes” on his blog. In the essay, he wrote “[d]on’t be part of the mob that attacks whichever target GamerGate is going after this week.”

So now he’s become “the target GamerGate is going after this week.” Or one of them, anyway.