alt-lite crackpottery crank magnetism flat earth homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever none dare call it conspiracy rhymes with roosh vox day

Roosh V: The moon landing was fake and science is a big gay plot to create transgender children, or something

There’s something a little fishy about this photo

By David Futrelle

Roosh V is over the moon. So over it.

/pol/ 4chan alt-right anti-Semitism dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect flat earth galaxy brain men who should not ever be with women ever none dare call it conspiracy transphobia

Here’s a new one from 4chan: Jews “corrupted” math to hide the reality of the flat earth

Jew bamboozling the world with fake math

By David Futrelle

I‘m going a little off-topic tonight because I’ve found, well, one of the most creative conspiracy theories I’ve run across in a long time.

alt-right anti-Semitism daily stormer flat earth irony alert literal nazis none dare call it conspiracy racism

There are, for real, Nazi Flat Earthers, and they need to fall off the edge of the world

Hitler takes aim at the ball earth propagandists at NASA

There’s a civil war brewing in the midst of the once-happy alt-right. No, I don’t mean the squabbles between those alt-rightists who’ve abandoned Trump over his Syria attack and those sticking with Daddy — that’s old news. I mean the civil war between the neo-Nazis who think the earth is a globe and those who think it’s flat.

bad science crackpottery crank magnetism facepalm flat earth none dare call it conspiracy off topic TROOOLLLL!! trump

Fake news site trolls Flat Earthers with story claiming Donald Trump has gone flat (earth)

Donald Trump did not say this. Flat earther meme found on; I added the word "fake"to it 7 times
Donald Trump did not say this. Flat earther meme found on; I added the word “fake”to it seven times in six different fonts

There’s been a bit of excitement amongst the Flat Earthers over the past couple of days, as word spread that none other than Donald J. Trump had come out publicly as a Flat Earther, telling an Associated Press reporter that:

bad science crackpottery crank magnetism flat earth memes misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy top troll

The Fluoride Stare: The conspiracy theory catchphrase taking the flat earth by storm!

My contribution to the Flat Earth meme pool.
My contribution to the Flat Earth meme pool.

So last night, courtesy of Twitterer extraordinaire @SuperSpacedad, I learned of a new catchphrase that’s apparently catching on (or maybe not) amongst the internet’s conspiracy theorists: the Fluoride Stare, which is the blank-faced, glazed-eye look conspiracy theorists apparently encounter quite regularly when they start explaining their favorite conspiracy theories at great length.

"ethics" #gamergate drama flat earth irony alert memes misogyny sarkeesian!

Memeday: Flat Earthers channel GamerGate in their attacks on Neil deGrasse Tyson

Flat Earthers: Not big fans of Neil deGrasse Tyson
Flat Earthers: Not big fans of Neil deGrasse Tyson

Like a lot of people, I was a bit gobsmacked a couple of months ago when rapper B.O.B. came out as a literal Flat Earther, as in, someone who literally believes that the earth is a disk, not a sphere.

aliens flat earth gravity is a lie least convincing video poll

Dubious Alien or Third Rock Gravity Fraud? Pick the least convincing YouTube video!

Wait, what?
Wait, what?

This is a bit off-topic, but I’m thinking this blog could use more off-topic stuff these days.

Here are two (short) videos I rounded up from YouTube. I want you to tell me which is the least convincing.