Alek Minassian incels mass killing

Alek Minassian is using autism as an excuse for his murderous van attack — much as his fellow incels use it as an excuse for their hateful beliefs

Autism made him do it?

Self-identified incel Alek Minassian is currently on trial in Canada for the van attacks that killed ten in Toronto in 2018. His defense? That his autism made him do it, leaving him not criminally responsible for the killings.

/pol/ 4chan advocacy of violence Alek Minassian alt-lite alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism AntiFa empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies evil sex-rejecting ladies gab harassment incels intellectual dork web ironic nazis Islamophobia jordan "slappy" peterson literal nazis mass killing mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men playing the victim racism rape rape culture rape is good actually terrorism TROOOOLLLL?

“Jack Corbin,” online pal of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, wants to force “Attractive Left Wing Traitor Women” to pay “sexual reparations” to incels

CORRECTION: The original version of this post contained a picture of someone who was not “Jack Corbin.” I have removed it. My apologies.

By David Futrelle

Fascist shitposter “Jack Corbin” — a serial harasser of antifascist activists and a onetime online buddy of Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter Robert Bowers — thinks he’s found a solution to the problem of mass shootings by angry, bitter incels. At least the white ones.

Alek Minassian domestic violence elliot rodger empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies evil sex-rejecting ladies incels irony alert jordan "slappy" peterson men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny stalking YouTube

Incel arrested in Utah for threatening to “kill as many girls as I see” shows why the idea of “enforced monogamy” is so dangerous

Christopher Cleary’s YouTube channel is devoted to fast food and sports

By David Futrelle

No one casually watching Christopher Wayne Cleary’s YouTube channel would suspect that the 27-year-old Denver man has a long history of stalking and threatening women, culminating in his arrest last Saturday in Utah after he posted an angry Facebook screed warning that he would soon take symbolic revenge on “all the girls the turned me down … by killing as many girls as I see.”

Alek Minassian elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies incels mass killing mass murder is good actually mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Incels celebrate death of 10-year-old girl in Toronto mass shooting: “Legit put a smile on my face”

The shooter (lover left) was caught on video by a local resident

[UPDATED with name of shooter]

By David Futrelle

Last night, a young man opened fire on people enjoying a night out in Toronto’s Greektown neighborhood. Numerous people were hit; two of his victims died — an 18-year-old woman and a 10-ear-old girl.

advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement Alek Minassian elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies incel incels irony alert mass killing mass murder is good actually mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny commenters agree: Mass murder is a “humanitarian” act, and those repulsed by it should be arrested

Elliot Rodger: Mass murderer, incel inspiration

By David Futrelle — one of the most active online hangouts for self-identified “involuntary celibates” —  is such a cesspool of misogyny and rage that I could probably write ten posts a day based on the hair-raising stuff I find there and never run out of material. Thing is, I don’t have the stomach for that and I doubt many of you do either.

Alek Minassian empathy deficit entitled babies incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability paul elam

Sady Doyle’s examination of the roots of incel violence is required reading

“Mystery” and his famous hat: Pickup artists don’t “save” men from going incel; in fact, they’ve helped to get us into the mess we’re in today

By David Futrelle

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you owe it to yourself to give Sady Doyle’s excellent examination of the roots of the hateful, violence-obsessed incel subculture a thorough read. She expertly traces the intricate connections between various factions of the manosphere — from MRAs to pickup artists to incels — that like to insist they have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement Alek Minassian creepy elliot rodger incel mass killing mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Just another horrific reminder that incels are a bunch of wannabe Elliot Rodgers

Eliot Rodger, incel idol

By David Futrelle

In the wake of the Toronto van attacks, the mods on have apparently decided to hide some of the more incriminating discussions on the site. Like this little thread, which they deleted — but not before the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine grabbed a copy of it.

Alek Minassian incel misogyny terrorism

Check out my piece on Elle about Alek Minassian, Elliot Rodger and the threat of further incel terrorism

Incels are already hailing Alek Minassian as a saint. (Graphic adapted from image found on

By David Futrelle

I‘ve got a piece up on the Elle website about Toronto van attack suspect Alek Minassian and the dangers of future “incel” terrorism.