'bating #gamergate alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism bad science crackpottery crank magnetism cuck entitled babies evil fat fatties homophobia infowars irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny NoFap none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men rhymes with roosh soyboys transphobia

If you liked Roosh V’s “globohomo psyop” tweet, you’ll love these 22 OTHER tweets blaming “globohomos” for everything from the “trans agenda” to killer fungus

Roosh has become galaxy brained

By David Futrelle

Twitter is abuzz today with talk of “globohomo psyops” after discovering a tweet from our old friend Roosh V, the rapey pickup-artist-turned-crackpot-moralist, claiming that the first-ever black hole photo that took over the internet yesterday was some sort of “globohomo” hoax designed to make women look good.

No, really.

Roosh deleted this tweet, though he explained his, er, logic here in another tweet that’s still up.

But a screenshot of the “globohomo psyop” tweet has made it’s way around the internet, and quite a few have become instantly enamored of the phrase.

This is hardly the first time Roosh has inveighed against the alleged evils of globohomoism.

Sometimes he mixes and matches his conspiracy theories. Here he claims the Christchurch mosque shootings were an Israeli false flag designed to benefit the Jews and the globohomos at once.

In fact, Roosh has been going on about globohomoism for years now; I’ve even written about his globohomo fiaxtion a couple of times.

But the idea that evil globohomo forces rule the world is older than that. I’m not sure who originated this unique portmanteau word — a mashup of anti-Semitism and homophobia that supposedly stands for “global homogenization” — but I first ran across it on Chateau Heartiste, a blog written by an exceedingly racist pickup artist who’s been a friend of Roosh’s for something like a decade now — and who’s utterly obsessed with all things globohomo.

Now the term has been picked up not only by Roosh but by a wide assortment of alt-rightists and other shitposters.

So without further ado, here are are a bunch of other things that weirdo right-wing shitposters blame on the globohomos.

Killer fungus:

Wars to spread sodomy:

Fat women:

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965:

High interest rates:

Poor character design in the videogame Borderlands 3:

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization:

The thwarting of this woman’s dream of living amongst goats:


Gay marriage, trans bathrooms and boycotting the NRA?

Socialism, yet also libertarianism:

Vegetables as food:

Soy lattes, and somehow also PayPal?

I guess this guy thinks that “lattes” rhymes with “states?”

Pot-smoking hippies:

“Homo harassment” and other gay stuff:

Garfield (the cat, not the president):

I have no idea what is even going on here:

I hope this all clears things up for you.

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5 years ago

I can explain the last tweet. ‘Immanatize the eschaton’ is a phrase from Robert Anton Wilson’s Illuminatus! Trilogy, which makes fun of conspiracy theories and promotes the fake Discordion chaos religion that was pre-Internet trolling. It’s a Discordion troll.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
5 years ago


Like for example, it doesn’t matter if a woman has the right to divorce a man by law if she can’t provide for herself without his income and when women lack economic independance from their husbands, way too many of said husbands will leverage that dependance to get away with cheating and abuse, confident their women won’t leave them if leaving them makes them broke and homeless.

It’s shocking to me how many women, when I doing my professional studies degree, were unnerved or disapproving of the fact that I would soon be earning more money than my husband (btw I don’t know if the men were; I mostly hung out with other women). I mean, it was largely coincidence for him and I, not deliberate planning, but many of my fellow uni students said things to me that made it clear they thought my soon-to-be-higher salary meant I didn’t love or trust my husband. WTF.

(Oh, and in a little yay-Muslims-are-cool moment, because things are shit for us right now… Traditionally the mahr, dowry, was paid to the bride, and in the event of a divorce she kept it. It was intended to provide her with financial security so she didn’t have to stay in a bad marriage. So take that, alt-right. Nyah nyah…?)

5 years ago

“globohomo psyops”

The name of a queer anarchist punk band, surely.

5 years ago

Yeah, it’s unbelievable that there still are people thinking women earning more than their spouses somehow demeans men, and the comments you mention on love and trust really highlights how skewed some peoples idea of love is.

If it is true love between them, people don’t ask their significant other to make a completely pointless sacrifice and give up on a good career just to boost their own ego.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago


See, that’s just more proof that you’re trying to weaken the foundations of western civilization. Tsk.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
5 years ago

@ Rabid Rabbit,

All day every day. ?

5 years ago

I had the same thought as when I hear people foam at the mouth about a “gay agenda” – and it’s that some liberal stationery company would make a mint if they actually brought out The Feminist Agenda, The Gay Agenda, The Trans Agenda in nice covers, with thumbnail profiles of heroes and role models, useful numbers and support lines, and so on.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 years ago

I know somebody who has a T-shirt that reads ‘The Gay Agenda’, with a week-long calendar filled in with ‘Laundry’, ‘Shopping’, ‘Cooking’, ‘Cleaning’, with the last one being ‘Destroy Western Civilization’. She sometimes wears it to SF conventions.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
5 years ago

@ Bluecat,

some liberal stationery company would make a mint if they actually brought out The Feminist Agenda, The Gay Agenda, The Trans Agenda in nice covers, with thumbnail profiles of heroes and role models, useful numbers and support lines

That would be all my gift-shopping taken care of for forever! A new one every year! Ooh, I may just buy some agendas and make spiffy covers for them now…

5 years ago

@ Jenora and @ Bookworm – we should make a start-up!

Love the T-shirt: sounds about right.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
5 years ago

Actually, some companies have put out Gay Agendas for sale over the years. A quick Google search gives me this one; I’m sure many others in different color schemes exist.

I didn’t do the search for them, but I suspect a similar Feminist Agenda and Trans Agenda do exist too.

(A)utonomous Escapist
(A)utonomous Escapist
5 years ago

Me and some friends were once working on a concept-album for our Punk band called “Advancing the Gay Agenda”, but it piddled out when we found out our chosen band-name was already taken. I don’t think I can spell it out, but it was a riff on the Westboro Baptist-idiots and what they called those abetting the gay agenda. There were like four other bands who had also picked that name!