homophobia incels misogyny sexual inequality

Gay men are stealing our women, incels lament

Incels have a new sworn enemy: gay men. In a post on the forum, someone calling himself SocialzERo laid out the basics of what he calls the “f*gpill.”

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If you don’t date me, I will be forced to commit … TREASON!

Benedict “Cumberbatch” Arnold: He did it for the nookie?

A Reddit “Red Piller” has come up with yet another reason why women should feel obligated to have sex with men they don’t want to have sex with: because if they don’t, the men will be driven to betray their “tribe.”

anti-Semitism conspiracy theory incels misogyny sexual inequality

New incel theory: “There are twice as many men as there are women”

Incel math just doesn’t add up. If women only date the top twenty percent of men, as per incel dogma, how do you account for the fact that more than twenty percent of women have husbands or boyfriends? You can’t. Unless …. well, one regular poster on has a theory.

incels misogyny n o means no sexual inequality

You can’t have a “right to sex” without somebody losing the right to say no: A response to Alexandra M. Hunt’s controversial Twitter thread

In a Twitter thread yesterday, a self-described “public health activist and grassroots organizer” named Alexandra M. Hunt set forth the outlines of what she sees as a solution to the problem of “involuntarily” celibate men. Many of her suggestions are sensible and good in themselves — decriminalizing sex work, improving sex education, “creating outreach programs that help young people develop healthy sexual habits.”

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The Reich Stuff: New conservative dating app launches, will fail

Kaytlyyne, your date’s here to murder you!

Gals! Are you looking to date men who get inexplicably angry about black women playing flutes?

Fellas! Are you looking to date women who sound like bad actresses awkwardly reading their lines off of a teleprompter?

evil sex-having women incels misogyny sexual inequality

Unless average guys get regular sex with “thin, bubbly, hygienic, submissive” wives, civilization will crumble, apparently

One of these for every good boy!

Some random dude on the internet has thoughts about sex and civilization so we have to listen to him.

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It’s the end of the world as we know it, and this incel can only think about revenge. And blow jobs.

It’s not quite Spring, when a young incel’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of revenge. Also, fantasies of apocalypse. And blowjobs.

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Incel imagines a utopian future of government-issued girlfriends for incels and Nuremberg trials for Chads

Incels certainly have vivid imaginations, whether they’re looking at the present, reinventing the past or imagining the future.

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No one wants to date Trump supporters, and boy is the National Review mad

Just not interested

Conservatives have been complaining for a while about one of the most pressing civil rights crises of our time: the fact that no one wants to bone them.

incels misogyny rape culture sexual inequality

Incel: “Sluts not pleasuring me is discrimination”

Spock is not impressed with your logic

The incels have come up with yet another reason why their lack of sex is somehow the responsibility of someone else — in this case, “sluts” who fuck other guys but not them.