a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women cassie jaye gaslighting gross incompetence gullibility gynocentrism irony alert lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam twitter

Paul Elam claims he DIDN’T tweet that women’s suffrage was “America’s biggest blunder.” I think he’s lying, and here’s my evidence

Screenshot of Paul Elam appearing on a YouTube gabfest hosted by his long-time friend and collaborator Tom Golden. Notice the Twitter handle next to Paul’s name. (I added the arrow and the highlighting.)

By David Futrelle

Yesterday, I posted a screenshot from a Twitter account that appeared to be a not-so-clever attempt by Paul Elam, founder of the Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, to evade a Twitter ban.

I sent a link to Elam’s tweet (archived here) to two of Elam’s best known, and more-or-less mainstream, supporters, filmmaker Cassie Jaye and author Warren Farrell, to see what they thought of it. Some hours later, Jaye tweeted this at me:

Cassie Jaye
Verified account
 15h15 hours ago
Replying to @DavidFutrelle @drwarrenfarrell
As someone who cares about finding the truth, I directly reached out to Paul Elam about this tweet. His response: “No, it is not my tweet and I did not authorize it, nor does it reflect my feelings.” David, I look forward to the retractions on your blog post.

I have added Paul’s denial to my original post. But as someone who does not generally confuse “whatever shit comes out of Paul Elam’s mouth” with the truth, I’m not going to issue a retraction.

Because either Paul is lying … or somehow a phantom Paul Elam impersonator managed to bamboozle the real Paul Elam’s closest collaborators into thinking he or she was the real thing — to the point that they repeatedly promoted the @MRApsychic Twitter account as Paul’s real account. Not only that, but they bamboozled Paul himself into thinking the account was his, at least up until the moment that Jaye contacted him yesterday.

Or maybe it was mysterious hackers?

I’m going to put my bet on door number one, the “Paul is lying” door.

Let’s take a look, shall we, at the account in question and some of the evidence that shows, beyond a reasonable doubt, that it is Paul’s account.

Though the person behind the account took it down last night after I posted the screenshot from it, it’s still visible via Google cache and via the Wayback machine. Let’s start with the account profile:

Officially approved fan account. I channel Paul Elam while he sleeps. BTC 3BfqbqW4fDv8tVWPqHhcynHf6yVDjNLPcG

First off, a fan account that “channels” someone is not a thing. But if the owner of the account were indeed channeling Elam, they really would have to be psychic, as the tweets on the account are virtually identical, in style and substance, to the updates Elam posts regularly on Facebook and to AVFM posts he’s written over the years.

Hell, the alleged channeler, in the women’s suffrage tweet posted above, even knew to incorrectly use the phrase “voting block” rather than the correct “voting bloc,” making the same mistake the real Elam has made in posts he’s written or published on AVFM.

This alleged “channeler” is also a generous sort, referring possible donors to the same bitcoin account that’s used for AVFM fundraising. And the “channeler” is also aware that Elam recently moved from Texas to Virginia.

All this is suggestive, if circumstantial. But what really makes it clear to me that @MRApsychic was Elam is that his two closest collaborators — one of whom has appeared on innumerable livestreams with Elam and the other who has co-authored numerous articles and even several e-books with himhave promoted that account as Elam’s own. You can see here how often the Tom Golden and Peter Wright have tagged @MRApsychic in tweets having to do with AVFM. (In case anyone starts deleting tweets, I’ve archived these tagged tweets here.)

But the real smoking gun?

Elam is a regular on Golden’s YouTube, er, show Regarding Men — and Golden has repeatedly promoted @MRApsychic as Elam’s Twitter account. You can see it in the info boxes under the videos here and here (archived here and here); it’s also here on Bitchute. And in this video from a little over a month ago, it’s RIGHT THERE ON THE SCREEN THE WHOLE TIME AFTER THE 7 SECOND TITLE SEQUENCE.

I suppose I could leave it there, but I also wanted to address the “nor does it reflect my feelings” part of Elam’s denial. If opposition to women’s suffrage is something Elam would never agree with, it’s certaintly, er, interesting how often and enthusiastically he has praised and promoted the writings of the gentleman mentioned in his tweet above, Mr. E. Belfort Bax — a strident antifeminist who wrote a century ago and who was most famous as a socialist (of sorts) who strenuously opposed women’s suffrage.

Take a look at the dozens of times Bax has been mentioned and/or republished on AVFM over the last several years. And consider that one of the first things Elam did after setting up his own tiny, ill-fated publishing house a couple of years back was to publish a three-volume collection of Bax’s writings, including his attacks on women’s suffrage. Announcing the publication of the first volume, Elam wrote that

In the process of assisting Peter with [the] editing, reading article after article penned by Bax, I was for the first time perhaps appropriately stricken with the utter brilliance of the man. 100 years later if the colloquialisms of Bax’s time were converted to more modern vernacular, he would have become an instantly recognized men’s rights luminary in 2015 and beyond.

At one point Elam actually did float the idea of literally translating “the colloquialisms of Bax’s time” into “more modern vernacular.” The “translation” didn’t work out very well, and Elam dropped the idea.

In any case, it seems to me that a raging misogynist who publishes three volumes of the writings of an anti-suffragist from a century ago, hailing his “brilliance” and declaring him a “luminary,” might just have a teensy bit of sympathy for Bax’s anti-suffrage views. Indeed, AVFM regularly runs articles attacking the suffragists of the early twentieth century, often describing them as if they were all literal Klan members; only a couple of months ago, the site published an article decrying women voters as a “gynocentric female mob” promoting “female superiority.”

Oh, and I almost forgot (to change metaphors a little) the final nail in the coffin of Paul’s denial: A tacit admission from Paul himself that the @MRApsychic account was/is his.

Last week, you see, I did a post quoting from Elam’s Facebook page and the @MRApsychic account. Elam wrote an annoyed little note about my post on his Facebook page (archived here), accusing me of, in his words, of “stalking my social media.” You may notice that he did not say “stalking my Facebook page and the Twitter account of someone who isn’t me but posts under my name.” Nope, until Cassie Jaye asked him about the women’s suffrage tweet last night, he seemed happy to acknowledge that @MRApsychic was in fact his account.

Faced with all of this, it seems there are three possible explanations as to what has happened here. I will post them in what I consider the order of plausibility, starting with the exceedingly plausible and moving quickly to the utterly and completely implausible. (Indeed, the latter two scenarios are so implausible that they are difficult to even describe coherently.)


@MRApsychic was/is indeed Paul Elam’s hamhanded effort to get around a Twitter ban; the women’s suffrage tweet was written by him and reflects his views. But after being contacted by Cassie Jaye and perhaps others, he realized that it might make him look bad in her eyes, and perhaps the eyes of some of his other supporters who like to pretend that he’s not the bigot he actually is, so he issued a denial and took the account down in a (failed) attempt to hide the evidence that it was in fact his.


A rogue hacker took control of Elam’s account and tweeted something only slightly more misogynistic than the kind of stuff he usually says but that also reflected Elam’s longstanding admiration for E. Belfort Bax. Then, instead of posting more tweets designed to make Elam look a tiny bit worse than he already does, the hacker decided to take down Elam’s account so that no one else could see the result of his or her hacking, because THAT makes sense.


@MRApsychic bamboozled Elam’s closest friends and collaborators into thinking he or she was really Elam for more than three months, actively promoting the fake account in countless tweets, on YouTube, on Bitchute and who knows where else, and the real Elam somehow never noticed and corrected them until Cassie Jaye contacted him about it yesterday. At which point the person who really was running the account somehow learned — perhaps through their psychic ability? — that Jaye had contacted Elam and for some unknown reason decided to take it down.

Indeed, in this final scenario, the bamboozling Paul Elam impersonator was so good at the bamboozling that he or she even bamboozed Elam himself into believing that the account was his.

These are the three most plausible scenarios I could come up with; if you can think of any other, please let me know. But I think it’s fairly clear that the latter two explanations are exceedingly implausible and basically make no fucking sense.

So I’m going to stick with my choice: the door marked “Paul, a liar who often lies. is lying again.”

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Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

@Nanny Oggs Bosom:

Paulie is so used to fooling people that he struggles with the concept that not everyone will be convinced by his lies. He’s not used to people applying critical thinking to his statements.

I can’t help but imagine that Paulie spends all of his days in front of the TV, writhing in bilious envy, drinking cup after cup of manly black coffee to keep his brain sharp, one hand pressed against his stomach in a desperate attempt to soothe the acidic pangs of his ulcer, as he looks at story after story on Trump and wails “How does he do that??? Why does it work for him but not for me??? Unfair!!!”

5 years ago

About reactionaties hiding their views… Elam gave an example of that: saying the tweet doesn’t reflect his feelings, without elaborating on what his views actually are. How DO you feel about women’s suffrage, Elam? Here’s your opportunity to correct the record.

Prith kDar
Prith kDar
5 years ago

@Nanny Ogg’s Bosom

I’m sure the knowledge that all over the world women have been posting their ballots for almost 120 years (New Zealand) will make Elam happy.

Women have been voting much longer than that. Iroquois women had an equal vote in their councils long before Europeans showed up. There are a number of countries that allowed women’s suffrage prior to New Zealand (not that NZ isn’t to be commended). The Kingdom of Hawai’i had universal suffrage from 1840-1852. Sweden had conditional women’s suffrage for over half a century during the 1700s. There are many other examples I won’t list here.

Women’s suffrage has occurred in fits and spurts around the world for centuries. But your point about how Elam would receive such information is well taken. 😉

5 years ago


That would be spell check, sugar.

5 years ago


We’ll just have to make sure the extra letters all eventually get returned to the alternate timelines.

I still don’t understand that. I just don’t get how like thor taking his old hammer isn’t going to wreck his past self with the hammer. do the hammers duplicate or does it just not exist then.

5 years ago


As I understand it, the hammer gets removed from the timeline and comes into the future, where it has a grand old time thumping Thanos for a bit, then it gets returned to its original place in the timeline by Steve Rogers. Since we’re dealing with time travel here, Steve could show up 5 seconds after the hammer disappeared and return it, so it would only have been gone for 5 seconds in the past.

Now if Thanos had destroyed the hammer in the future, then the past timeline would have been royally screwed. But since that didn’t happen, no harm, no foul, and no hammer for about 5 seconds (or however long the gap was).

Now I’m picturing Thor wandering around Asgard looking for Mjolnir:

“I could have sworn I left it by the mead…”

Hell, maybe that’s why it sometimes takes a while for his hammer to return to him: it’s out galavanting around the timeline

5 years ago


They really didn’t explain that at all. I assume this creates an alternate timeline with no Mjolnir, but Peter Dinklage’s store was still open back then, so they can just order a new one.

5 years ago


So what does that mean for past avengers fist loki getting the tesseract back and disappearing. does steve have to track his beautiful ass down and hall him back. or is that an alternate realty.

5 years ago

@ Gaebolga

I forgot Cap could lift the hammer by then, so it makes sense he would bring it back. But I should expect someone with your handle would be more on top of mythic weapons than myself.

5 years ago


Yeah, that one doesn’t get explained very well. Or, like, at all.

Maybe that’s how Loki comes back to life, since he was dead before the whole Thanos erasure so presumably he wouldn’t have been resurrected by Tony Stark’s counter-snap?

Because let’s be honest, Loki is far too awesome a character to be left dead….

5 years ago



…and thanks!

5 years ago

@ Lainy

Have heard they are working on Loki series for Disney streaming. Have seen speculation this will star alternate-timeline-tesseract-stealing-Loki.

5 years ago


Well, that‘s interesting, and has some great possibilities, since that version of Loki presumably doesn’t go through the character development/redemption arc of Ragnarok and Infinity War…back to evil(-ish) Loki!

5 years ago


Gaebolga wrote:

…so presumably he wouldn’t have been resurrected by Tony Stark’sHulk’s counter-snap?

…fixed it for me!

5 years ago

Mjolnir gets returned along with the Infinity Stones – we see Steve holding it on the time platform.

My main questions are:

1. If going back creates an alternate timeline, then won’t returning the stones (and Mjolnir) just create a third set of timelines? The original one, the one where it was taken, and the one where it was returned.

2. So after returning the stones, Steve went back to 1945 or so to be with Peggy, creating another alternate timeline (presumably one where he helped found SHIELD, made sure Zola didn’t rebuild Hydra, and rescued Bucky in the 40s), and lived out his life in that timeline before returning to the original one as an old man. But… how did he return? The film established that coming back to the main timeline required the time platform, but instead Steve was waiting on a bench. Did he return to before he left, when no one was watching the platform, or had the scientists of his new timeline developed a way to travel between timelines and used that?

3. The film established that time travel consumes Pym particles, and they only had enough for one round-trip each. 2014-Nebula takes 2023-Nebula’s tracker bracelet and Pym particles, and uses them to return to 2023 in her place. So… how did she pull the entire Sanctuary II to 2023 when she needed the tracker bracelet and Pym particles to travel there herself? Did Thanos’ tech people reverse-engineer both and duplicate them so that the ship could time travel? How long did THAT take, and how long was 2023-Nebula sitting in a cell trying to convince 2014-Gamora to change sides?

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago



Maybe use the ROT13 website????

Or give a heads up???????

5 years ago

Doctor Strange saw the ‘endgame’ over 6 millions times and did not spoil any thing. Be like Doctor Strange Everyone.

5 years ago

Now I’m picturing Thor wandering around Asgard looking for Mjolnir:

“I could have sworn I left it by the mead…”

Way off-topic I know and first time I’ve commented here> But @Gaebolga, there is one of the lesser known Norse myths where Thor does indeed get drunk and leave Mjolnir at one the ice giant’s mead halls.

Loki persuades him that the only way to get the hammer back is for Thor to dress up like Freya and pretended to marry one of the ice giants.
Great fun!

And yeah, Elam was sooo lying!

5 years ago


I had forgotten about that! I do so love Norse mythology…

5 years ago

and Elam would have to be dead. Which he isn’t, last time I checked.

Perhaps it’s like the Sixth Sense and David exposes dead people as the lying liars they are.

Hope that doesn’t count as a supplier too.

5 years ago

I’m sorry about the endgame spoilers everyone.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
5 years ago

@Dara, @Gaebolga,

The version I heard was that the ice giant wanted Thor’s mother Freya in exchange for the hammer, and that was the reason why both Loki and Thor disguised themselves as bridesmaid and bride, respectively.


Don’t worry, everyone does that once in a while.

Btw, for anyone wanting a discussion on Endgame with spoilers, the TV Tropes pages have a fascinating discussion on (almost) all the ‘why did X do Y instead of Z actions, and on the possible fallout of assorted character choices on the timeline(s). Good stuff to read.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

Btw, for anyone wanting a discussion on Endgame with spoilers, the TV Tropes pages have a fascinating discussion on (almost) all the ‘why did X do Y instead of Z actions, and on the possible fallout of assorted character choices on the timeline(s). Good stuff to read.

Yeah, if you have a spare week or so. 🙂