a woman is always to blame alpha males bad boys beta males creep-shaming cuckolding evil women false accusations manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny sexual abuse

Oh, Brother! Gun-toting MGTOWer rejected by Big Brother program

No, not THAT Big Brother
No, not THAT Big Brother

Life is tough for dudes in our evil misandryarchy. Even dudes who just want to help littler dudes find themselves blocked by evil women.

Take, for example, the sad tale of a public-spirited MGTOWer who calls himself TheDisgruntledGentleman, and his thwarted attempt to join the Big Brother/Big Sister program. No, not the TV show, or the creepy dystopian leader/voyeur from 1984 — the mentoring program that pairs adults with at-risk kids. Let’s let him explain:

So, instead of just hand wringing about how males are targeted and denigrated within all aspects of life, I decided one way of trying to help would be to join the Big Brother Big Sister program. The first meeting I went to explained that there are twice as many boys looking for a match than there are girls. They said it was partly because more females than males volunteer. They didn’t mention how most boys have a mother in there life but no father because of the misandric divorce courts but I digress…

Oh, dear. We’re not off to a good start here.

Anyways, as part of the process, I had a one on one interview with a female member of the organisation to assess if I was suitable to be a Big, and if so, they wanted to know about me so they could match me with a little. I mentioned that I carry a firearm everywhere I legally can, I also wanted to know what protections were in place to protect me from unfounded accusations, and I expressed how I couldn’t be with a Little if his father had been forcibly removed from his life because of the vindictive actions of the mother. I think the final one sealed my fate however.

Yeah, why on earth would the program reject a gun-toting, woman-hating, self-described “disgruntled gentleman” whose only question for the organization, apparently, was about what would happen if he was accused of child molestation or abuse?

I’m not particularly upset at being rejected because after looking into it more, the activities deemed appropriate to do with your Little seem somewhat feminine, but it just further hammers home that even when you try to help because there are boys out there screaming for some positive male role models in there lives, you’re only allowed to show them masculine things that females deem are appropriate. It just makes me sick.

Hate to break it to you, dude, but you’re not actually a positive role model for anyone.

In the comments at, where TheDisgruntledGentleman posted his tale of woe, others stepped forward to offer their own, er, critiques of the Big Brother program. “I’m really not surprised by the outcome of this at all,” wrote Mpav8r.

Basically, for our purposes, without intending any disrespect to the pious, we can compare the Big Brother service to a kind of prostitution agency, specializing in providing uber-manginas to attend to the fatherly duties of the harlot’s absconded alpha daddy, or the cuckolded beta wallet in exile; furthermore these manginas are free-range certified not to be paedophiles, or likely to have any real parental influence in lieu of the mother’s. Big Brothers is basically a volunteer organization that makes the logical connection between single moms and pathetic beta chumps trying to score brownie points, and attempts to exploit it for the perceived benefit of the children.

Most pathetic is the fact that these volunteers know for a fact that they will not be getting any tail as part of the deal. Unless you have a bleeding heart for abandoned bastards, you’d have to be a fool to waste your time on such a fool’s enterprise.

Based on what you said in your post, I would wager that the women in charge likely factored you as an armed misogynist pedophile with a chip on his shoulder. I would have gone wearing an old navy outfit and talked about flower arranging and self-esteem.

Relic, meanwhile, suggested that the best way to help out young boys today is for MGTOWers to keep being the woman-hating assholes they already are. Well, that’s a rough paraphrase. He phrased his advice slightly differently:

For me personally, I have zero interest in helping single mothers raise their kids. If she wanted a positive influence from a male, maybe she and her kind would not fuck us over at every turn so dad stays in the home. It’s only when society passes the breaking point things will get better for men. Stalling this only prolongs the suffering. Until then, I’m in the shadows.

I’m willing to bet that many men have been falsely accused of crimes trying to give back to these programs. No fucking way I would expose myself to that nightmare to help a single mother. Allow the whole thing to come crashing down while putting good information out there for truth seekers to get educated. It’s the absolute best thing we can do for boys.

I do agree that  the best thing MGTOWers can do for boys is to stay as far away from them as possible.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Whoa, that young man is lovely!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Oh, and Midsomer was as bizarre as ever – Civil War reenactments, a supposed Headless Horseman, and the usual crop of loathesome upper-class-twits shagging each other and then bumping each other off.

Just another day at the office for Barnaby and Jones. Though at least Jones got some better lines than usual. 🙂

“The witness said the horseman was headless, sir.”

“Drunk or stoned?”

“I was on duty, sir.”


“An Englishman’s castle is his home.”

“Have you been saving that, Jones?”

“For years, sir.”

“I wish you’d saved it a bit longer.”

11 years ago

Isn’t he, though? All grown up and with no makeup on.

His hair drives me nuts though, because his hair texture seems to be very similar to mine so I keep wanting to go “Hey, pretty boy! Your hair doesn’t have to be all frizzy and shapeless like that, all you need is some leave in conditioner and maybe a little gel”.

BTW I love that the terms upper class twit is now used all over the world. Thank you, Monty Python guys.

11 years ago

Is Pro-Gun our friend Pell? There is a whiff of dirty laundry about them.

11 years ago

Pro: However, the reflexive association of “bad person” with guns is a mistake.

Good thing no one did that. I was wondering when the strawmen were going to start showing up.

The problem is not that people are armed but that THIS man was armed.

Which is what people here said. Why did you come here to tell us what was what again?

Personally, I wish some of us had been armed. Every time one of them came near me or one of the patients we were escorting I started thinking about Dr. Tiller.
He didn’t do so well, being unarmed.

This is bullshit. Tiller was assassinated. His killer walked up and shot him by surprise. There was nothing he could have done to prevent it; short of never going out in public again.

As to you wish you’d been armed… did anybody ever shoot at you? Were you attacked with knives?

No. So the desire to be armed is just a baby-blanket. A dangerous one, as people who are armed tend to see more threats, and react more aggressively than people who aren’t.

You seem to have the “talismanic magic” idea of guns. Irrespective of the question of how to control gun violence, you don’t have a clue about how they work in real situations. You are arguing with the feminists in your head (since your declared position is our declared position).

Go wank somewhere else.

And I’m sorry I don’t answer each and everyone of you seconds after you post.

Nope. The issues isn’t when, you could take days. It’s that you aren’t answering at all.

Really, you aren’t. You’ve replied (such as they are) to lots of people, but very notable ignored some. At this point hours after the, long; and substantive, comments were directed to the specific issues you pretend to raise.

As far as Dr.Tiller goes are you under the impression he was the only one they’ve killed? or that his circumstances were the only ones this kind of incident can happen under?

No, we aren’t. And… not one of them would have been helped by being armed. Shot at a traffic light. Killed with a rifle from a distance. Bombed.

Again, you have not a clue how violence works. In real life the person who initiates wins, 90 percent of the time.

And I have to go to sing.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Funny, isn’t it. What I – one of those stupid people who doesn’t like guns and is very glad to live in a non-gun-carrying society – said X, and was dismissed. Be interesting to see if trollcoaster tries the same stunt when Pecunium, who knows a great deal about them (more than trolly ever will, I’d bet) says the same thing in more detail.

11 years ago

Kitteh, don’t be silly. Trolls never reply to Pecunium. And this one would just go “Hallelujah, a reasonable reply!” and that’s all.

11 years ago

RE: guns

I admit to being highly biased, since my undergrad school had the dubious distinction (before V Tech, that is) of having the largest body count of any school shooting in the USA.

This was the state of Texas, which is known for its lax gun laws. And true facts, the sniper was gunned down by police. However, why did it take so long for him to be gunned down?

Because he was on top of a fucking tower, too high up for anyone to reach him. He fired on people for almost two hours, and there wasn’t anything they could do but take cover.

Texas’s gun ownership laws did NOTHING to protect us from Charles Whitman. In fact, they made it easier for HIM to get a gun.

So yeah, definitely list me as one of those people with a dim view of the protective power of firearms.

11 years ago

Pro stupidity: I can’t help but notice you don’t address the content, repeated or not.

Which is why you’ve been so prolix in your responses to me.

11 years ago

As I was walking this morning (the singing was too crowded, and with sorts of chaos, and posturing which makes me anti-social, so I left) about the “if “X” had been armed”, and I recalled two cases where “X” was better than armed.

Cases in which X had a Personal Protection Detail*

Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Ford both had the US Secret Service with them when they were attacked. Reagan was shot. Had Hinkley been using a larger caliber, or had the wound Reagan got been a little different he would be dead.

Ford wasn’t shot, but only because his assailant hadn’t put a round in the chamber of the 1911 Colt (.45ACP caliber handgun) she was using. She did manage to chamber a round before she was tackled to the ground.

A team of alert, observant, observing, professionals; trained to look for just that sort of attack, failed to prevent the attack.

*I’ve been on a few of those, very different way of looking at the world. Thankfully only one of those was a person who was likely to be attacked by gunfire, and that was an open carry detail, but still. One see the world very differently when doing that, but I digress

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Trolls never reply to Pecunium.

That is Eternal Truth! 😀

Aurora Erratic (@Potterchik)

Can’t imagine why Big Brothers / Big Sisters wouldn’t want that guy. “You wouldn’t believe a kid who said I molested them, would you?”

11 years ago

It is to wrong to show young men that it is fine to consider not marrying. Just the same way that feminst would with a young girl.

10 years ago

OK, I’ve been reading this blog, reddit, looking up (related) people and their sites, and here’s what scares me: I honestly never thought there were that many people who were so hateful toward women in the world. Now I realize that there are….and misguided though they be, some of them are even intelligent enough to make spurious arguments that sway the disenfranchised to join their ranks. I feel that many of these men have been groomed into using hate speech and encouraged into more and more violent language through their interaction with these groups. I’m saddened that these men found such a negative refuge instead of something more positive. Is there an alternative?

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