antifeminism evil overpriced women evil sexy ladies manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit vaginas

MGTOW Launches One-Man War on Hoo Has (And the Human Beings Attached to Them)

Isaiah4verse1 has more opinions on vaginas than your gynocologist
Isaiah4verse1 has more opinions on vaginas than your gynecologist

Do you remember Isaiah4verse1?

“Ha, who?” you ask.

You know, the Man Going His Own Way who famously described women as overpriced vagina buses? The guy who recently informed his comrades in lady hating on the MGTOW subreddit that his life had gotten so, so, much better now that he’s stopped thinking of women as “complete human beings?”

That guy.

Well, for a guy who’s supposedly given up women and porn, he still has a lot of things to say about vaginas. Indeed, he seems to think about vaginas more than Eve Ensler, Judy Chicago and all the members of The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists combined. In his comments on Reddit, he’s basically writing his own version of the Vagina Monologues.

Here are a few of his, er, insights.

Women are little more than a delivery mechanism for vagina.

I’m sorry, where did you get the ridiculous notion that I care what some filthy vagina carrier thinks?

(I’m not quite sure what Isaiah makes of trans folks, but then again I’m not sure I want to know.)

Women have no worth outside of their vaginas.

[W]omen are fundamentally lazy, ignorant morons who couldn’t put forth a male level of effort no matter how many governments and white knights she has in her stable.

Remember, you’re a woman. You have no worth beyond your vagina. No one really cares what you think. Stop pretending and do what you were born to do, spread your legs and lie on your back and shut up!

Despite being of the same species as human males, human females are millions of years less evolved than their male counterparts, essentially because they’ve been coasting on the power of their vaginas.

Women are disgusting (sub)human beings.

They have evolved little in 3 million years. …

And ALL women recognize they have zero worth beyond their vaginas.

Men who think they want “female company” really just want the vagina.

If you are lonely for female company then you need to realize that it is really her vagina you’re after.

Female company is nothing compared with the company of like minded MEN.

If not for their vaginas, men wouldn’t have anything to do with women.

If women didn’t have vaginas, men wouldn’t bother with them.

A “pussy worshiper” is a male who defers to women. Men do this for no other reason than to win favour and closer access to their vaginas. … Male support of wymynz rights is a desperate mating strategy by beta males.

Women’s main purpose in life is to lead men down “the filthy vaginal path to corruption.”

Women exist to corrupt men. That’s why they hate good men and love evil men. Like attracts like. Sadly, men choose to go down the filthy vaginal path to corruption than be noble human beings.

Even women hate women, and know they’re nothing without their vaginas.

Nobody likes women least of all women themselves. The only thing they have of value is their vagina. No one likes what’s attached to the vagina. 

Men who claim that there is more to women than the vagina are part vaginas themselves.

You are certainly not a man but a mangina. Toeing the line of female supremacy for the scent of vagina.

We’ve already discussed scientifically that women are little more than walking wombs and consumption machines. …

The truth is you really don’t care what I have to say. You just need to be SEEN to care by women to get that pat on the head and a couple brownie point from women … I hate to break it to you, mangina, but they’re not going to fly across the globe to suck your little pee pee.

You are not a man.

Women prefer when men pay for their vaginas in installments.

Women don’t like it when other women receive a one time fee for vagina. It is their goal to have the man paying in installments ad infinitum with interest.

Due to vaginal oversupply, the price of vagina has plummeted in recent years.

[W]omen made a miscalculation when they flooded the market with vagina. Now, men can get the milk without buying the cow and this is absolutely terrifying to women. The devaluing of the only value they have: vagina! So that’s why feminism has shifted to neo-Victorian ideals and government sanctioned chivalry.

Married men are slaves to “available vagina.”

I don’t think there’s anything more pathetic than a married man. … The number one fear that keeps married men enslaved is the loss of an available vagina. True story.

Even married men think of their “hambeast” wives as little more than “wet holes.”

I don’t consider receiving sexual rations in exchange for the immense cost of marriage with an aging hambeast a prize. …

You brag about getting sex because you put a lot of work into it. But even if I’m wrong and that’s not the case, you have reduced your entire marriage to an act that lasts one hour long at best. Your marriage summed up is an available vagina. I’m sure your wife will be pleased to know that she’s just a wet hole and no thought whatsoever is given to any other attribute of a “happy marriage”.

Women have so much blood coming out of their whatevers that they sometimes use rolls of paper towels as tampons. Also, women menstruate more when they’re mad at people on the internet.

LOL you women are so pathetic. You’re only power is the power to manipulate emotions and make people angreeeeeee! You need the drama in your miserable lives because you know y’all have no life, no personality, no genuine human feeling. This is the closest you girlies can get to being human. …

I think you’re the one whose pissed. I mean, you’re the one who replied to my comment first, and it wasn’t even addressed to you. You saw it, filled that roll of Bounty on a jumprope sticking out of your cavernous trough of a vagina with blood, and proceeded to post your thinly veiled anger in the form of a pitiful shaming comment. Cool huh?

Vaginas are not the cure for Hitler.

My favourite response to those who speak as if relationships are the universal cure is that Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mussolini and Hirohito were ALL married! Looks like vagina isn’t the wonder drug you’d have us believe!

Well, ok, he is right about that last one.


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8 years ago

I can tell you’re from out of town. (The town being Anytown, USA.)

Because I am from Anytown, USA, the chocolate bars are new2me.

8 years ago


Well, I’m not gonna apologize for rapists, but I will admit to being really really bad with nonverbal cues, and there’s certainly a possibility that I’m really bad at sex. Makes one gunshy.

Ask. Just ask.

And don’t give them the “dread” treatment.

Completely viable alternative: Abstain from sex.

8 years ago

Well, I’m not gonna apologize for rapists, but I will admit to being really really bad with nonverbal cues, and there’s certainly a possibility that I’m really bad at sex. Makes one gunshy.

My husband is terrible with both non-verbal cues and subtle verbal cues. He basically just matches my level of escalation. He’s so bad that I’ve started just flat out telling him what I’m interested in doing in explicit terms instead of hoping that he’ll understand what I mean when I invite him to snuggle in the bedroom (it feels odd to me to speak plainly but it makes him very happy, which makes me happy). He’s never accidentally taken it farther than I’ve wanted because he’s not interested in doing anything I don’t want to do, so he either waits for me to initiate or just talks to me about it.

So, like Kat says, just ask. It doesn’t have to be a mood killer–just a quick check in, like “are you comfortable with this?” or “do you want to try ___?” It also might be a good idea to talk to partners about how you are with nonverbal cues so they understand if you don’t respond to their cues that you’re not necessarily turning them down and so that they’ll know what they can do to effectively signal their desires. You might even want to give examples because there are varying degrees of not understanding non-verbal cues–my husband is much worse than my ex when it comes to sexual cues but much better when it comes to emotional cues, so it took me a while to figure out how to communicate well about it with him.

Good luck.

8 years ago

… I’m not even sure what I just read. Just that it’s really, really stupid.

8 years ago

Paradoxical Intention:
Your list has a lots of shows I’ve been meaning to watch, too.
But I wanted to add my two cents about a few of the ones I’ve seen.

– Agent Carter- Excellent in every way, should be watched as soon as possible because the new season starts soon!
– Once Upon A Time- First few seasons were great. Kinda dragging lately.
– iZombie- Cool, but I feel it’s having trouble deciding if it wants to be comic book show or quirky police consultant show.
– Orphan Black- Really great. When I watched Jessica Jones, I felt it had a very similar vibe.
– The Librarians- Fun… Don’t expect much else (And maybe watch the Librarian movies first).

8 years ago

They don’t like having to pick up the tab at dinner but are pissed when feminists insist on picking up the tab at dinner. Yep, sounds rational to me… or like a bunch of scumbags looking for justification for behaving like knuckle-dragging Neanderthals.

8 years ago

A few weeks back, when that white cop raped all those women of color and was found guilty, the comments on alternet were appalling. There were a few guys that were saying “ooh, it’s terrible, what he did, but most of them were hookers, so doesn’t that make it theft????”

That’s like saying it’s just theft to kidnap an actor, take them to your basement dungeon and make them act for your amusement. “Actors sometimes act on location, so it wasn’t kidnapping, I was just stealing a performance!”

Stuff like that is one of the reasons why I only read the comments here. I’m so sick of people pretending they don’t understand the concept of consent.

8 years ago

This is OT, but I love your avitar. It reminds me of namennayo cats, which makes me happy. :3

8 years ago


I was gonna use a picture of a blue-footed booby, but then I found this picture and was overpowered by the cuteness.

8 years ago

Adolf Hitler was married for less than 24 hours.

That’s a hell of an argument right there!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

You’re only power is the power to manipulate emotions and make people angreeeeeee!

Yes, weeeee can seeeeeeeeeee heeeee’s vereeeeeeeeee angreeeeeeeeeee. But not the correctly spelled kind of angry, so we’re not supposed to take it seriously.

He’s inadvertently belittling his own emotions here. Either that, or he’s speaking into a fan.

The truth is you really don’t care what I have to say.

That’s the only true statement in this whole rant.

8 years ago

Adolf Hitler was married for less than 24 hours.

That’s a hell of an argument right there!

He was also an artist and a vegetarian.

–>Artists and vegetarians are stereotypically politically liberal.

—->Therefore, Liberal = Nazi

——> I think that all feminists are politically liberal.

——–> Therefore Feminists = Nazis.

(Except that I actually think that the Nazis had a lot of good ideas.)

– An unseemily large chunk of the Mansophere, probably.

8 years ago

Mockingbird, you should win EVERY LOGIC AWARD EVER.

Because that was incredible. 😉

Dr Hoveiny
Dr Hoveiny
8 years ago

Here is some corroborating evidence.

Nazis > bunnies > domestic arts/craftivism > feminism. QED.

8 years ago

He was also an artist and a vegetarian.

A competent but dull artist whose very conventional religious artwork (he was a devout Catholic, never excommunicated even posthumously) didn’t sell. Which may have helped to explain his later career trajectory.

As for his vegetarianism, that didn’t happen until after his niece, whom he’d been sexually harassing, killed herself. Apparently the sight of her corpse put him off pork.

I think it’s safe to call shenanigans on the whole “liberal” contention now.

8 years ago

The Hitler was a vegetarian thing (thoroughly overdone and irrelevant) has been developed by Bill Bailey. Goes something like this:

‘The KKK’s environmentalist campaign ‘Keep the Arctic White’ – white supremacism very very bad, environmental protection very good. ‘

Couldn’t find the clip for it as it is a matter of seconds, but check him out – he is the ultimate SJW mangina comedian, and a fine musician to boot. I know some here are already fans.

8 years ago


Vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina and….vagina.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

I always heard that Hitler became a vegetarian on medical advice; because he had screwed his system up by taking too many amphetamines, and because his doctor was chosen more for ideological purity than competence.

8 years ago

I always heard that Hitler became a vegetarian on medical advice; because he had screwed his system up by taking too many amphetamines, and because his doctor was chosen more for ideological purity than competence.

Actually, the quack who put him on the amphetamines (including crystal meth injections), Theodor Morell, came AFTER the vegetarianism. He cured Hitler’s dietary-related flatulence with a fecal transplant (which, interestingly, was considered a quack cure then but is now being done for C. difficile-infected patients to save their lives), but then proceeded to shoot him up with every drug imaginable to pep him up for those horrific rallies, so he could rant like a maniac and really pull the crowd along. He was no doubt the world’s most powerful junkie. Here’s a documentary about the world’s creepiest doctor-patient relationship:

One interesting thing that came to light in the making of this was that Hitler also had Parkinson’s disease. He was not a well man, and Morell both exacerbated and exploited that fact…

8 years ago

I watched a really brilliant documentary on Hitler’s symptoms and Morell’s role recently, it was fascinating. I’d not heard of most of it before- probably the same doc you’ve linked, Bina. (I’ll check the link out later.)

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Thank you for that, Bina. I learned something.

Miss November
Miss November
8 years ago

I’d say these MGTOW cretins are secretly gay and/or asexual and miserable, but gay men treat women way better. Just a thought…

8 years ago

For most of my adult life, I’ve had a pretty even gender balance amongst my friends. I have managed to baffle a misogynist by having women friends, and I am delighted that this won’t be an isolated incident.

8 years ago

Miss November: My thoughts exactly…. ‘closet gay’ came immediately to mind when I read it….

8 years ago

I’m not really cool with the whole misogynists are closeted gay men theories.

Firstly, there’s not really evidence this is true. There are certainly misogynistic gay men who are in the manosphere or manosphere adjacent. Like Milo Yiannapoulos. But generally, the way the majority of them talk about women, it’s pretty clear they both hate us and are attracted to us. They have rigid and arbitrary standards of beauty for us not because they’re trying to excuse a lack of attraction to women, but because they want to use “you’re ugly and/or fat!” to break our self esteem down and make us easier to dominate. Plus the whole feminism make’s women ugly saw is a convenient excuse to hate us because they know society deems a woman’s worth to be directly tied to her attractiveness to men.

Secondly, it takes the heat off the most privileged segment of the society, despite the fact that most of these guys belong to that segment, and place it on a different marginalized group. This kind of thing always feels like an attempt to pit one oppressed group against another. It’s the same divide and conquer strategy the wealthy and powerful use to turn white working people against POC and immigrants so they don’t notice it’s actually those wealthy and powerful making their lives suck. Not “welfare queens” and Mexicans who want to “steal our jobs.”

Thirdly, it implies gay men aren’t gay because they’re attracted to men but because they hate women. That’s crap.