andrew anglin daily stormer misogyny TERFs transphobia

Daily Stormer: “F to M Transgenderism is a Plot to Exterminate the White Race by Neutralizing Our Breeding Vessels”

Elliot Page

When Elliot Page came out as trans, many in the so-called “gender critical” movement acted as if something had been stolen from them. “We mourn the loss of lesbian Ellen Page to transgenderism,” wrote someone calling themselves Radical Lesbians. “We’re losing our already tiny pool of lesbians to the trans cult,” agreed a commenter called Liz-B-Ann on Saidit.

The Gender Crits aren’t the only ones who think they’ve lost something — or, more precisely, someone — that belonged to them. On the neo-Nazi internet rag the Daily Stormer, Andrew Anglin has written a long tirade about Elliot’s transition and what he sees as the Jewish/transgender plot to turn women into “fake men” and rob the white race of its wombs.

“Our race could survive if 95% of our men were wiped out,” Anglin wrote.

It couldn’t survive if 95% of our women were wiped out. … So it should be of a very major concern that the Jewish media and education system are attempting to make as many young girls as possible into transgenders.

Citing Abigail Shrier’s transphobic tome “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” Anglin warned his readers that

the homosexual movement is targeting young girls with transgender propaganda and encouraging them to inject themselves with testosterone.

The girls become sterile because of the injections.

This isn’t actually true, but never mind.

As Anglin sees it, this is part of an elaborate plot to make sure that girls (allegedly) experimenting with lesbianism in college get stuck in this so-called “lesbian phase” forever.

You see, many teenage girls have a “lesbian phase” where they think it’s fashionable to say they’re lesbians and kiss girls at parties while guys cheer. Then as they age, they stop doing that and become normal women.

The homosexual movement can only reproduce through recruitment, so they want as many of those girls as possible to remain lesbians. The way to do that is to ensure they pass a point of no return – that they get injected with hormones that permanently mutilate their bodies and make them permanently sterile. Then when the phase is over, they’re stuck with it.

Anglin, basing his opinion on nothing more than the thoughts pinging through his head, thinks that most of these lesbians-turned-trans men will abandon their trans identities and return to being “normal lesbians.” Score one for the lesbians.

Probably, most of them will stop claiming to be “men trapped in the wrong body” and just become normal lesbians, given that taking testosterone shots your whole life and pretending to be a man is actually ridiculous.

Naturally, Anglin thinks that Elliot Page’s coming out as trans will cause many impressionable young women to do the same.

Ellen Page has fashioned herself as a lesbian advocate and a role model for young girls. Her coming out like this and endorsing the transgender movement is going to encourage many confused teenage girls to say that they’re secretly men, and female and/or Jewish guidance counselors at their schools will be rushing them to an endocrinologist to get them shot up with chemicals that will permanently sterilize them.

Anglin thinks this is a huge problem for white men like him because the white race needs to have all wombs on deck.

This is a major, major crisis, because we need these wombs. We already have very serious fertility problems, but theoretically, if we get our society fixed, we would be able to force all women to become mothers through various forms of institutionalized social pressure. What they are doing with this tr*nny thing is taking women out of the game.

This isn’t the first time Anglin has argued that white women’s wombs don’t really belong to white women but to white men like himself, who should have final say over what happens to them.

In the real world, I’m happy to say that unless Anglin has a secret girlfriend hidden away somewhere that I’m not aware of, he has no say whatsoever over anyone’s womb.

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Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

This sentiment can be traced back all the way to Nietzsche

More likely China circa 3000 BC. It’s old. Maybe not literally the oldest trick of propaganda, but certainly one of the firstborn.

4 years ago

Anyone who refers to AFAB people as “breeding vessels” doesn’t deserve to live TBH. Treating other humans as livestock is pretty much the lowest you can go.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
4 years ago


It couldn’t survive if 95% of our women were wiped out. 

Well, that’s a refreshing change from “White men run civilization and without us, you’d all still be living in the mud!”

The homosexual movement can only reproduce through recruitment

Seems to me it’s the neo-Nazis who are making endless videos and trying desperately to recruit disaffected young teenagers. Because for some mysterious reason, bowl cuts, tiki torches, and being unable to find a date aren’t sufficiently alluring in and of themselves.

4 years ago

@Beyond Ocean

I’m sure FARTs are going to love their new(?) political allies.

They’re not really new bedfellows by this point, transphobes have been working alongside far right/Nazi groups for some time by now.

It’s an interesting paradox I noticed as well.

This paradox is important because it allows them to claim perpetual victimhood, which is important as a mental justification. No one wants to be the villain or oppressor in their own narrative, so fascists try to paint themselves as victims to defend their actions and not question it. This is also where conspiracy theories like QAnon come in.

4 years ago

Welp, Dance studio closed because of covid and the restaurant I work at for my second job has really cut back hours for me.

Looks like money is going to be really tight this winter. I’m glad I have my husband because the second income means if I end up to short he can send money so I can pay rent.

This makes me really worried for women who are in abusive relationships. It was hard to leave them before all of this, but now the economy is so in the toilet I don’t know how anyone can make it.

epitome of incomrepehensibility

You can tell I’m tired because I read this…

Jewish media and education system

…and started thinking “what specific Jewish news media/schools?” instead of realizing it’s just standard anti-Semitism.

You see, many teenage girls have a “lesbian phase” where they think it’s fashionable to say they’re lesbians and kiss girls at parties while guys cheer.

“You see”? Do I? I mean, yeah, movie trope, but the only situation where I saw this happen IRL was at a Halloween costume contest. Two young women dressed as gothic fairy creatures kissed each other, but they didn’t seem much into it so it seemed more silly than sexy (to this onlooker, anyway).

And that wasn’t really a party, just a school-hosted thing. And I don’t know the people’s sexuality, but I doubt that such a kiss would constitute a “lesbian phase.” So no, I don’t see.

This is a major, major crisis, because we need these wombs.

Sounds like a bad Frankenstein spin-off.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
4 years ago

This sentiment can be traced back all the way to Nietzsche

It also connects to the concept of “barbarian”, i.e. a foreign, subhuman person, who is unreasonable, uncouth, untrustworthy, and violent. Someone to be disdained, but also feared. The ancient Greeks would be right at home, here.

Nothing’s new. People just come up with new names for the same shit.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
4 years ago

As it happens, I know some trans* and nonbinary people, who as it happens are Jewish (like most of the people I know, really). According to his “logic” (for lack of a better word), we would therefore be eradicating ourselves along with the white race? Jeez, I guess our propaganda is just that good.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
4 years ago

And thinking about it, how has he completely sidestepped the issue of trans* PoC? I mean, even if he’s not aware of, say, Laverne Cox, his ilk love talking about (TW – transphobic and/or racist slurs under the spoiler)

“ladyboys” and “shemales”
in Asia. Seems odd to suddenly treat transgenders as a white-only thing.

4 years ago

@Penny Psmith

how has he completely sidestepped the issue of trans* PoC?

I noticed that as well. My guess is that since he views everything as an assault on the white race, that wouldn’t fit his narrative so he ignores it. Or maybe since the most visible trans people are mostly white (because trans PoC are often erased), he has assumed it’s more common for white people to be trans? He’s not known for his critical thinking skills.

dust bunny
dust bunny
4 years ago

I feel a tiny pang of empathy for the terfs here. The possessiveness and entitlement is gross, and given that is their reaction, I feel like their claims of having been invested in Elliott’s presumed cislesbianhood is disingenuous.

But I recognise a part of what some of them might be feeling, and I think we’d do well to recognise the sense of loss one can feel at someone else’s coming out a bit better. It’s one of those feelings that are valid as long as you keep them to yourself, or process them privately, in trusted company who is not affected. It’s usually family members, especially parents of trans people who feel this way, and everyone would be better off if there were better ideas circulating on how to deal with it.

It doesn’t necessarily come from a cisnormative mindset; I had it once when everyone seemed to be settling on binary trans identities, and I felt genuinely threatened that the binary was being reestablished and that nonbinary or off-spectrum identities would start being viewed as transitional. Then another time it seemed like cis people were just, done. Over. Gone. The last few cis individuals I had held up as proof that cis people aren’t all clueless and obsolete came out as trans, and cis people everywhere seemed to be cis-ing particularly hard.** In both cases there was some stuff I needed to process, and I did. I couldn’t have done that if I had rejected feeling unhappy about someone’s transition and suppressed it as a kneejerk reaction like my conscience was telling me to do. And both times I had to figure it out alone. There is no good way to bring this sort of thing into the discourse.

These people obviously aren’t conflicted about being unhappy that others transition, and I feel like not having a way to partly validate, accommodate, and help process this sort of unhappiness is a big part of how we lose people to the terf side. It shouldn’t be possible to start out meaning well and ending up a terf.

**it sounds weird I know. I had this strong suspicion that it’s impossible to properly, critically examine gender ideology and come out the other end with an intact cis identity, and I was struggling with how to relate to people who I viewed as refusing to engage with that process. I mean, given the state of things, that’s basically apathy in the face of horrible, violent injustice, or active commitment to upholding it.

@ Mabret

A little something I think should be cleared up: Elliot Page, having previously been seen as a woman by society, and having come out as trans, is and was not a woman. It is just as much an error as to say that I or Natalie Wynn was “a man” who came out as trans.

I’d like to point out this isn’t 100% true in all cases. Not sure about Natalie, I faintly recall her saying he/him pronouns still apply to her pre-transition self, and that she still thinks of herself as having been a man at that time. Of course her feelings might have changed since then even if I am right, so don’t take my word for this in any case. What I am sure is that she has expressed some ambiguity/not falling entirely in line with the “standard” trans experience in this regard.

The bigger point is, this is a thing. People, including trans people (and trans-adjacent people such as myself, who don’t feel quite comfortable claiming that identity label despite not being cis) have differing conceptions on gender, which are sometimes incompatible with both mainstream gender ideology and the emerging trans “consensus”.

Inconstant Reader
Inconstant Reader
4 years ago

Anyone who really believes in a worldwide, organized Jewish conspiracy has never spent time around actual Jews. There’s a reason we have the saying, “Two Jews, three opinions.”

4 years ago

You know, I came here because that second to last line has been circulating in transmasc circles. I used to read this blog, and thought that it had to be a mistake, based on how trans-friendly this blog has been in the past. But no, it’s really as egregious as it was framed.

“This isn’t the first time Anglin has argued that white women’s wombs don’t really belong to white women but to white men like himself, who should have final say over what happens to them.”

This whole article has about Anglin being possessive over the wombs of white men. Possibly over those of white AFAB nonbinary people as well, though I don’t trust him to know they exist. He’s misgendering us, but this piece is clearly directed towards a population of which the majority are not women. His misgendering of us is not an excuse for yours.

I am a white man with a womb, and I damn well should have final say over it, not a white woman. Because it’s mine and in my body. Same for everyone else with a womb.

Acid Kritana
3 years ago

“Our race could survive if 95% of our men were wiped out,” Anglin wrote.

Anglin is planning on wiping out 95% of men?