creepy incel irony alert misogyny reddit

Lonely incel wants “human female” to appreciate him. And all human females killed.

Oh, r/Incels, must you be so incelish?

Found in Reddit’s r/Incels. I don’t even have a joke here. Please, dude, get therapy — for your sake, and for the sake of any “human females” in your immediate vicinity.

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7 years ago

I was my wife’s 38th sexual partner.

Have a guess how bothered my face looked when she told me?

All it means is that she knew precisely what she wanted for herself, knew exactly how I could best deliver it, and in turn had a vast array of imaginative equivalents for me.

And why would I care about her past? She didn’t pick these 37 men over me – how could she have done, since she didn’t know me back then?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

going down on a non-virgin female.

It’s always kind of amazing how cis-male misogynists are repulsed by their own body parts as much as they are by vulvae. What exactly do they think having had sex before does to a vulva that would make going down on a “non-virgin female” so disgusting? I can guarantee that if you had pictures of bunch of vulvae and had to guess how many partners the owners of those bits have had, you couldn’t do it with any accuracy.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

There’s no explanation for why this rule exists, so I would only be able to speculate. It’s no wonder these dudes think they are uniquely persecuted when literally no mention of the fact that they are not is permitted.

If they aren’t being persecuted for being born a non-Chad male, they’d have to acknowledge that their situation is their own doing and they could change if they were willing to put some work in. From what I remember reading through the sub a couple of days ago, they also have a rule against giving them advice that they may have heard before. They’re very married to the notion that incel is just who they are and it can’t be changed. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy because any sensible advice like “work on your social skills” and “try to change your toxic attitudes toward women” is immediately dismissed. One woman refused to send a fat guy a boob pic, therefore only male models can ever find a partner and that’s just that.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

They’re very married to the notion that incel is just who they are and it can’t be changed.

They’re also very married to the idea that this is something innate that they were born having, as they draw sharp distinctions between incels and “normies” who are just unlucky. It’s not clear what their criteria are for the two categories, other than self-identification, as the experiences of the two groups (unable to obtain partnered sex) are otherwise identical.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago


They’re also very married to the idea that this is something innate that they were born having,

That allows them to complain that they are the victims of oppression. So they regard incel as on a par with skin colour or as a disability (Note their obsession with things that cannot be changed, like wrist circumference or jaw angle, as the reason for rejection). That way any criticism is the same as racism or ableism and any refusal to have sex with them is discrimination.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

Eating ass? that’s as disgusting and undignified as going down on a non-virgin female.

Well that’s too bad for you, ’cause I’m pretty sure those are the only ways you wouldn’t be completely unfuckable : at least it’d keep your damn mouth busy.

7 years ago

Roasties to me are roast potatoes. Mmmmm

AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
7 years ago

@Alan: I had never heard of “tripping.” This is one of those times when I hate the human race. It seems like I’ve been reading a lot more animal cruelty stories in the last few months; I don’t know if the crimes are on the rise or if they’re just getting more attention. I’ll never understand how anyone can enjoy being cruel to another living being. Give ’em hell.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ asabovesobelow

I don’t know if the crimes are on the rise or if they’re just getting more attention.

That’s a very good question and I don’t know the answer. But this case might raise a bit of awareness if nothing else

Give ’em hell

We’ll try. The claim has been served now so it’s a matter of waiting to see the defence. My concern is that tactically the best thing they could do would be to concede the claim (without any admissions) and ask a judge to assess damages. They could say they’re just taking a commercial view. The damages might not be that much. The financial loss is just $260. The main claim is for ‘outrage’. That’s based on the hurt feelings. But it would be easy to argue my friend had only known Brad for a few hours so there wasn’t time to form much of an attachment. And general upset isn’t recoverable, otherwise everyone who got sad hearing about it would have a claim.

Still, that’s just me with my detached lawyer head on, let’s see what happens.

Halloween Jack
Halloween Jack
7 years ago

Good grief, that’s some staring-into-the-abyss stuff right there. I now know that some people who have no jobs or anything else particularly constructive going on in their lives (NEET, for “not in employment, education, or training”) call people with jobs “wagecucks”. And I can’t unknow that.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

A rather sweet lady has downloaded a picture of Brad Pitt the Horse and sent this to my friend. Did make me sniffle a bit.

And whilst I’m not a big one for Bible verses I did think this one was very apposite generally. Make a good tattoo.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Poor horsie 🙁

7 years ago

Seriosuly these type of people are extremely dangerous, if you look into and read alot about serial killers you see a common theme in so many of them , endless seething hatred of women and desire to punish women . See Gary Ridgway And Bundy . Dont be surprised if some news about a serial killer getting arrested was a regular poster on incel

This poster is honestly serial killer fodder

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