antifeminism crackpottery creepy cuck MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW visionary dreams of cuckolding women with secretly implanted embryos

Sexy times, MGTOW-style

Men Going Their Own Way love to fantasize about a future in which women are rendered obsolete — replaced by sexbots (for men to make the sex with) and artificial wombs (for men to make the babies with).

But one MGTOW Redditor has an even better idea: instead of growing the next generation of men in some Brave New World baby factory, why not secretly impregnate the “low quality sluts” of the world with future babies that aren’t even theirs — thus enhancing the pleasures of sex with the pleasure of reverse-cuckolding women.

I’ll let the bold visionary who came up with this plan explain it to you, because I sure as hell can’t. Take it away, Redditor-who-calls-himself-penisassociate.

Imagine advances in nano machines enable a delivery system of minuscule scale transferring an embryo through the vagina, cervix and into the womb.

Sounds like the world’s worst remake of Fantastic Voyage.

You are Chad Thundercock. You want to maximize your reproduction with high quality genetics.

I’m pretty sure most guys having casual sex with multiple women are trying their hardest not to inadvertently reproduce, but whatev.

Problem is it’s too slow to go around looking for the top 20% of women.

MGTOWs, such romantics!

You have found one however, bred her, and you’ve gotten a lot of her eggs.

Er, what? Are you thinking of human women or brood hens?

Now you go around implanting unwitting low quality sluts with your preferred sperm & egg combo. Imagine the implantation process can be easily done during sex so there’s good reason to suspect, for the woman, that biologically it’s her child.

At this point I’m fairly certain that Mr. penisassociate has never had sex; I’m also thinking that maybe he should be prohibited by law from ever having sex.

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7 years ago

So… once upon a time, the top 10% of men voluntarily limited themselves to the top 10% of women. Now the top 10% of men are taking 100% of the women. Why aren’t you going after those greedy, greedy alpha dudes? You outnumber them by 10 to 1!

Christ, this numbskull makes me miss Divided Line.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Ugh. Divided Line. He was the most pathetic of the sad boner trolls. Miggy here is clearly just trolling and while plenty misogynist, is probably not 100% serious. I’m pretty sure DL was actually 100% serious.

IIRC, he got banned after coming into a thread about a murder victim to declare his untouched peen the real victim.

Oh, Miggs. I just thought you might want to know that I’m just finishing up my period. I’m still spotting but the heavy bleeding is over. I had some pretty bad cramps this month but they seem to be gone now. I know you really love to hear about periods. Just helping you out!

7 years ago

This so completely disregards optimal male mating strategy though.

The goal is to propagate your genes so they are passed on to another generation and another after that and so on. In service of that goal, you want to have progeny with the highest quality mate around, true, but only if you’re female. Women have a lot of limits on the number of progeny they can produce, so they want to make the most of each opportunity.

If you’re male, and not of a species where you have to devote a significant amount of your resources to your progeny, thus limiting the progeny you can produce, you can afford to be significantly less choosy. Chad Thundercock sounds like a love ’em and leave ’em kind of guy, why would he pay child support? His optimal strategy is to have the most diverse bunch of offspring possible, so he can maximize his genetic impact on the generations to come.

Simplified example: If Chad only has little nerd babies with nerd girls, then if we wake up tomorrow and only musicians get to procreate he is SOL. If, instead, he’s made lots of different kinds of babies with lots of different kinds of girls, then he’s future-proofed his genes. A nerd girl only gets one or two shots, so she’d be best off having a half-nerd half-model baby, or a half-nerd half-athlete, unless she’s certain it’s nerds all the way, in which case she finds a nerd and nerds out.

They’ve put stupid on their stupid, I don’t think it helped.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Is this a Poe evopsych troll or was that serious?

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

Either way, it was funny, just not as much as Miggy’s previous rant. I’m so sad I missed that, by the way.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

I might be too charitable, but I read Daxter as saying that even by evopsych standards, manosphere ideology is nonsense.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Oh, I missed this…late to the party.

I have to wonder why MigRev thinks none of us have ever heard this bullshit before, and why he thinks he is so “revolutionary”.

Nobody cares if he GHOW. He doesn’t need to make another name up and try to post all about it again…is there some sort of unwritten rule that he has to go proselytize on feminist leaning boards, as if everyone will suddenly have some great epihany and offer him a blow job, no strings attached?

GO YOUR OWN WAY, dude. You spend entirely too much time analyzing how awful you think women are, then crowing how you don’t need women. Newsflash: they don’t need you, either, and that’s what really chaps your ass, isn’t it? That nobody is wailing, beating their breast, gnashing their teeth in lament?

Have a nice trip to Seagull Island. Forget to write, please.

7 years ago

Serious in concept, tongue-in-cheek in phrasing.

Evopsych research starts with what’s observed and tries to work backwards to how that could come about, since it can’t run many controlled forwards experiments. It leads to a lot of ‘barnacle geese come from barnacles because we see lots of barnacles and then lots of geese’ levels of stupid theories, but the stupid doesn’t usually completely disregard the observed.

They’ve observed that Chad is mating with lots of different girls and somehow think he wants to have lots of kids with just one high-quality girl but can’t quite figure out how to make that happen, until technology can step in and save the day! Poor Chad, looking for kids in all the wrong ladies.

These theories even have fun names! Names these asshats would love to be able to drop into their techno-babble, like the Sexy son hypothesis.

It’s like watching a movie declare their rocket boots to be powered by “differential equations”. There’s real science you could have used instead, and it would’ve been cooler too!

*runs back to lab, muttering*

7 years ago

MGTOW are a bit like that person we all know who claims to be over their ex but won’t shut-up about them.

7 years ago

MGTOW is a response to 3rd Wave Feminism.

And the biggest problem there frankly is that Feminists support Abortion – the very practice of Killing Baby Girls. Over 90% of babies aborted in the US are female. Yet they support it cause its a “woman’s choice” regardless of why. Ironic, aint it? Women supporting the mindless death of their own gender?

Gendercide is having massive repercussions in the world – China, India, Vietnam, The Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia, etc). and its spreading. 300 million baby girls dead. More coming. All because these sickos can use an ultrasound machine to abort females before they are even born.

Yet Feminists are silent on the issue.

Now with the US importing so many H1B visas from China & India – its 70% men. Causing an even further gender imbalance. This is a major impact to gender relations – not just because only less than 10% of men are gay and would like that – its wrong because it creates female bargaining power artificially.

It creates the attitudes that Western Women have. They are outnumbered by TOO MANY MEN so they can pick and choose. They can have sex with 100s of men and still find a White Knight at 35.

Bars, clubs, music festivals – even most conferences – all GUYS. Every city is a huge sausagefest except NYC, Philly and Boston. LA, San Diego, Seattle, Las Vegas (remove the Strip), Miami, Too few women.
Men have caught onto this.

So MGTOW is a natural reaction to a huge GENDER IMBALANCE in the US (especially under age 30 – look it up. I repeat UNDER 30….not over 50 which makes it look like the US is properly balanced. Its NOT! Old women outnumber old men so its a mirage).

I would actually argue the reverse for the black community. The gender imbalance is hurting the black community in the reverse fashion. TOO MANY WOMEN – not enough men. We all know this because 1.5 million black men are “Missing” aka in jail or dead. But that’s a different topic for another day.

Not ALL women are to blame. Some aren’t these 3rd wave Feminists that abort baby girls and still feel ENTITLED to everything but produce nothing. But a heck of lot are and its because they have the NUMBERS in their favor – until about age 50 unless they are black.

EJ (Marxist Jazz Weasel)

Bars, clubs, music festivals – even most conferences – all GUYS. Every city is a huge sausagefest

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what’s called taking an unrepresentative sample. Only sinful, evil people would ever do such a thing, as it makes your results meaningless and makes Charles Darwin cry. Even economists and psychologists know better than to do this.

Let’s point and laugh.

7 years ago

@Troll, woops you got it the wrong way around

Feminism is a response to people like you.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

Bars, clubs, music festivals – even most conferences – all GUYS. Every city is a huge sausagefest

Funny, I’m in a bar right now, and there’s only one dude here who isn’t an employee. Hell, the bar next door caters specifically to gay men, and the crowd there is still at least a third ladies most nights.

7 years ago

Where is Bina? BINA!!! We need you to do that thing where you hillariously short hand the troll speak.

ok troll-ee this is what you said to us. “AHEM” – coughs…

And the biggest problem there frankly is that Feminists support Abortion – the very practice of Killing Baby Girls. Over 90% of babies aborted in the US are female. Yet they support it cause its a “woman’s choice” regardless of why. Ironic, aint it? Women supporting the mindless death of their own gender?

Gendercide is having massive repercussions in the world – China, India, Vietnam, The Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia, etc). and its spreading. 300 million baby girls dead. More coming. All because these sickos can use an ultrasound machine to abort females before they are even born.

“I’m going to blame a problem of patriarchy on the evil feeemales.”

It creates the attitudes that Western Women have. They are outnumbered by TOO MANY MEN so they can pick and choose. They can have sex with 100s of men and still find a White Knight at 35.

Bars, clubs, music festivals – even most conferences – all GUYS. Every city is a huge sausagefest except NYC, Philly and Boston. LA, San Diego, Seattle, Las Vegas (remove the Strip), Miami, Too few women.
Men have caught onto this.

“Said females won’t talk to me waaaah!” (as an aside I am booking my ticket from NZ to Boston NOW to get me some sausage!)

Not ALL women are to blame. Some aren’t these 3rd wave Feminists that abort baby girls and still feel ENTITLED to everything but produce nothing. But a heck of lot are and its because they have the NUMBERS in their favor – until about age 50 unless they are black.

…something about black people…
“It’s not fair! Waaaah women are mostly evil but I can’t have one”.

7 years ago

@ Dali,

Are you on the strip at Vegas? Cuz he specifically said his wild and bluntly rounded numbers did not include that area.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

Nope. Portland, OR, watching well-built men gyrating on stage without their clothes.

7 years ago

Aaah, I see – you are in reality. A different universe from the one where 3rd wave feminists are murdering all the girl foetuses like saturn eating his children. (Was going to post a link to Goya painting but it’s pretty violent.) But I do hope it’s the one with gyrating sausage!!

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