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“Rex Patriarch” explains why women, like dogs, are incapable of love

Is it love — or do they both just like spaghetti?

The charming Man Going His Own Way who calls himself Rex Patriarch has written up a short treatise entitled “Women Are Incapable of Love.” (He’s also posted a video by another MGTOWer  making the same point, but we’ll just ignore that for now, because I didn’t bother to watch it.)

Anyway, here’s Rex’s argument, such as it is:

Look guys, women are like pets.

Do pets love you?

No, of course not but they do feel the warmth which is the love you may have for them. At a minimum you are their meal ticket. That in of itself is why they stick around.

Same same with women. As long as you are their meal ticket they “love” you but the very moment you can’t provide for them. The very moment they find a better deal, find some higher status.

Watch how fast that “love” goes out the window.

The reason being is it never was there to begin with. It was just something they were telling you to keep the goodies coming. Up until they could find something better. If they can.

The thing is men can love women all they want or none at all but don’t expect them to love you back in the same measure. They simply do not have the ability.

What’s interesting about this argument, insofar as anything about it is interesting, is that he’s not just, you know, wrong about women. He’s also wrong about pets.

Now, anyone who’s bonded with a pet certainly feels that their pet loves them back. (Or at least some pets do; I’m pretty sure the turtle my brother had as a kid didn’t really love anything other than worms.) Still, some skeptics insist that we’re just anthropomorphizing when we look at our pets and see love in their eyes.

But researchers are increasingly seeing harder-to-dismiss signs that animals may have emotions remarkably like our own — and that they can indeed feel love. By scanning the brains of dogs, Emory University neuroeconomics professor Gregory Berns has found that dogs and humans are alike in some key ways:

All in all, dogs and humans show striking similarities in the activity of an important brain region called the caudate nucleus. So, do dogs love us and miss us when we’re gone? The data strongly suggest they do. And, those data can further move humanity away from simplistic, reductionist, behaviorist explanations of animal behavior and animal emotions and also be used to protect dogs and other animals from being abused.

You can read more about his research, and what he sees as its implications, here.

More on animal emotions here and here.

You can also learn a lot about how animals — including the animals called humans — think and feel by just fucking paying attention to them and having a tiny bit of empathy. This is apparently a bit too much for some people to manage.

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10 years ago

OMG, women do the same shit men do and it’s terrible! I can see why you had to necro this thread to share this insight, even though it has nothing to do with the post.

10 years ago

I wanna play, I wanna play

All covered in tattoos
**no tattoos but quite a few interesting piercings, half a point perhaps? I do set off metal detectors if I’m not careful (.5)

**trying to quit, I will agree that it’s a bad habit that I wish I had never started (1) 🙁

wearing pajamas half the time
**are you talking the clothes that are marketed as pajamas or comfy clothes that you can also sleep in. I’m all over the comfy clothes when I’m home so YEAH! Double points as a lot of them are spouse’s clothes (2)

dye jobs with roots showing for months
**I grow my hair to donate do dye is a big no-no (0)

and a queen bee complex.
**surrounded by people who love & adore me and who I love & adore back. Check and double check. (2 because I’m f’ing awesome!)

I’m going to give myself 5.5

And just because if you are going to bring up WKRP you have to mention the best quote ever!

“As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!!!” — Arthur Carlson

10 years ago

and a queen bee complex.
**surrounded by people who love & adore me and who I love & adore back. Check and double check. (2 because I’m f’ing awesome!)

Hmmm, I wonder if “queen bee complex” in troll-speak means “woman who isn’t servile and doesn’t rely on random dudes’ validation to be happy”?

8 years ago

Not going to say I agree with him, but as a man stuck in this crap millenial generation in 2015, I must say I am tempted to agree with him. This is probably the first time in history it’s easier to get a lay than a family. Fml. Born 50 years too late it seems.

8 years ago

As a disclaimer I’ve had some bad experiences with women. My experiences have shown me that women can go cold on a man very quickly. As a result I have become skeptical of women. But here’s something I discovered. When I’m on my game and advancing myself in my goals, my attitude is much better. It’s when I’m doing very little to better my situation that I become bitter. When I’m on my game I actually want to care for women, like it’s my job. It got me thinking about the old hunter and gatherer theory. Perhaps women are all about a man’s resources and men are all about getting those resources. I think all men need to tap into their hunter instincts to some degrees. Doing some is healthy for a man’s psychology and emotional state. This is why men need goals outside of women. They need to first acquire the resources in order to share. Not doing so only results in failed relationships and bitterness towards women.

8 years ago

This trite evo psych crap was really so important that an over two year old thread had to necro’d?

8 years ago

Only piping up because I like when threads get necro’d that I posted in 🙂

When I’m on my game and advancing myself in my goals, my attitude is much better. It’s when I’m doing very little to better my situation that I become bitter.

So when you are feeling healthy, motivated & happy it’s easier to interact & trust others. When you are upset, stagnant or bitter you find it harder to interact & trust others.

Pretty sure that’s called life & women don’t run the world.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Sam

When I’m on my game and advancing myself in my goals, my attitude is much better. It’s when I’m doing very little to better my situation that I become bitter.

That does though sound suspiciously like “I’ll tolerate women when things are going well for me, but as soon as I hit a bump in life I’ll blame women somehow and take my frustrations out on them

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