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Over on Incels.co, one of the site’s more prolific commenters offers some insights into the motivation behind his vote for Trump.
“I voted for Trump purely out of spite for women,” Ordinaryotaku begins.
I don’t give a shit about politicians and I hate them, but that opinion is dwarfed in comparison to my hatred towards women.
Noted. So what in particular attracted him to Trump?
I want him to take away women’s baby killing rights. I want him to establish a Handmaid’s Tale-esque patriarchy. I want these stupid upper middle class white suburbanite cunts crying about oppression to actually look it in the eye.
Sounds make believe, and it is, but Trump technically would have a higher chance of doing that than Biden. Biden has a higher chance of contributing to the current gynocracy and establishing some social matriarchy, but that is just as unlikely.
So why does Ordinaryotaku hate women so much?
Point is, women have pushed me over the edge for far too long. They have ostracized me, bullied me, and made me feel inferior, genetically and physically, and lackluster compared to my better looking peers. Those memories and the current experiences I have with them are of far more significance than my hatred towards politicians and the current system.
Don’t care whether or not Trump gets four more years. I just felt like I had the upper hand when I helped my county go red. It feels great that I can just fill in a dot on a piece of paper and can get some Hitler-type in power that way.
Voting for Trump gave him a little taste of “Hitler-type” power? Sounds about right.
He never thought the leopards would eat MEN’S faces.
@mouse sparrow
THANK YOU. I wanted to say something as a depression survivor, but felt bad about doing so because shutting down oppressed people, and… yeah IDK. This year especially has been the first one I’ve really struggled with depressive stuff and ideation in a while, so, like… you stepping in is super appreciated. Even though I have no love at all for Trumplings, and honestly feel pretty violent towards most of them myself.
Honestly, reading about the covid rates of Trump land filled me with a childlike glee. I’m not sorry at all for whatever suffering (real or imagined) ordinaryotaku has experienced at the hands of women. He deserved it. ☺
You do realize there are plenty of non-Trump voters in red states right? Children who die from COVID blood vessel inflammation, or lose parents to COVID? Queer people, disabled people, people of color, who are bearing the brunt of this disease while their healthier, straighter, and whiter neighbors carry on and survive? I have a friend who works at a medical facility out in the boondocks of the Midwest, she’s been terrified for her life every day since the plague started.
I know it’s kind of your thing to post really inflammatory hot takes, but like… can we not?
This. The south has the highest percentage of Black people and LGBTQ+ people in the country. The south isn’t red because everyone there is a Republican, it’s red because Republicans have created a cycle of voter suppression, gerrymandering, and disinformation that keeps them in power. If it weren’t for voter suppression GA and other southern states would be blue or at least purple, as seen this election in GA.
I have extended family in the south, family that opposes Trump and Republicans wholeheartedly. I have relatives in the south who haven’t been able to return home since March because it would be too dangerous. Comments like Cindy’s hurt them way more than it hurts Trumpers.
Even the reddest states are typically close to 1/3 Democratic. That’s a lot of collateral damage for a “kill ’em all and let god sort it out” attitude. I have absolutely no sympathy for the people that managed to kill themselves through their own stupidity, the Herman Cain’s of the world. By running around and spreading the disease irresponsibly, they contributed to the deaths of a lot of innocent people.
Wow cidney. Your kind of a jerk. I’m so glad you want me and my mother to die just because we live in a state with a high red population. I’m so glad it gives you child like gee of me dying from being unable to breath or having a stroke. How about you go fuck yourself
IIRC Cindy also argued that us autistic folks should be sterilized, so it doesn’t really surprise me at this point that she has horrible takes.
Oh yes, that asshole. I forgot that was her.