By David Futrelle
Andrew Torba, who runs the Nazi-friendly “free speech” site Gab, is not exactly a big fan of porn. He banned porn from his platform back in July and regularly inveighs against “coomers” — chanspeak for porn addicts — on his much larger competitor Twitter.
But now he’s taking his anti-porn crusade to a new level. In a series of tweets over the past few days he called for a “cultural revolution against porn” and “unity against lust” as well as stringent new governmental restrictions on porn sites.
He threw in a little antisemitism to sweeten the deal:
He also hopes that all the semen conserved by penis-havers who give up porn could be repurposed to produce more white — sorry, Western — babies
Torba clearly thinks that jumping on board the NoFap(TM) train will bring his platform more traffic, and has said as much in a number of tweets, boasting that Gab has picked up more than 100,000 new users since the porn ban in July — including 4000 over the weekend.
Of course, there’s no way of knowing how much of this has anything to do with Torba’s stance on porn. And the initial social media reaction to Torba’s newly expanded anti-porn crusade has been, well, just a teensy bit negative amongst those who otherwise might be some of Gab’s biggest defenders.

He’s also lost the support of some far-right YouTubers, among them the frequently shirtless Styxhexenhammer666 and video game ranter The Quaterting, who has removed himself from Gab.
Still, Torba has his defenders.

So it’s entirely possible that Torba’s escalated antiporn crusade could work to his benefit, garnering Gab many thousands of new users from NoFap world even as it alienates some fans and potential fans, and helps to fuel a cultural civil war between trad-right puritans and what game developer Rami Baker calls “The Anime Tiddie Right.”
As far as I’m concerned, anything that gets these idiots mad at each other is a blessing. So you go, Gab.
PS: That dog in the pic above really is something of a porn addict — and here’s the proof:
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> The fact remains that you don’t seem to ever have truly condemned it either
Oh, you’re mistaken. Now I’m finally able to use my words in defense, which are the only I recall when I discussed this subject on WHTM forum:
About the sins: dude, you’re not my confessor.
I can’t deal with you. You remind me to much of my abusive ex. The way you talk to me. The way you try to use god for these sort of things. The way you try to gaslight me and others here. I can’t do it. You make my hands shake. You bring me back to a place I don’t want to go to. You bring me back into memories of pain. You do this shit over and over again and i feel hands around my throat and hear that smug voice in my ears asking me where my god is now as he took my virginity. It makes me feel the cold floor as I lie there and wonder if this is my punishment for not being straight, if this isn’t a punishment then why didn’t go protect me. It makes me hear the voice of my former priest telling me “he never gives us more then we can handle, he sends the hardest battles to his strongest soldiers” and how that left a hole in my heart wondering how any god could expect so much for a 16 year old kid.
You take me back to that place with your bullshit and I can’t handle it. Not right now. I’ve got essays to finish and a Christmas dance recital to finish up. I should have stayed away from you because all you ever do is open up wounds. You just cause tears and bring me back to hell. I read your words, and I hear his voice, and I feel his touch on me. So I’m going to leave. Not because you’ve won, but simply because I’m not strong enough to continue. I need to shower and remove as many layers of skin as I possibly can. Cover myself from head to toe in clothing and try to forget it once again.
I guess take that as a win, here’s your victory.
If you have any empathy. I only have on thing to ask form you and if there is truly in Christian goodness inside of you, you will comply. Don’t @ me again in future threads. Don’t engage with me and I will try my best not to do the same with you. I can’t do it. I’m not strong enough. I can’t keep allowing you to take me back to that place. I can’t keep reliving it. There’s to much trauma and you can send me into a spiral that last for days. You and just personality type has the power to put in a place where I’m suffering and I want to hurt myself. So if there is an ounce of decency in you, and I hope there is. Please leave me alone. If my anger gets the best of me, and I fail and end up trying to engage with you in other threads, don’t response please.
I know your a lot older then me. You’ve been coming to this blog since I was like 12 or 13, so just leave it be. Cause I’ve got nothing left man, and my husband isn’t here to pull me back from any brink of madness or to force a knife out of my hands. This is an appeal to your better nature, that I hope you have. Acknowledge this post if you agree to this cause I wasn’t aware how easily I’m still triggered by certain things. Just seeing your name and see you @ me yesterday, right before my last exam. God you almost gave me a panic attack. I thought my heart was going to burst for the first 30 minutes of my test as I tried to calm down. And I can’t allow your trolling to keep affecting my life.
@yzek: Hmm. A short, self-righteous pithy statement that was obviously made to serve a refuge when someone spelled it out, sandwiched between more holier-than-thou dreck. Seems legit, amirite?
Also RE: your sins: I don’t need to be a policeman to recognize a crime. Besides, Church-enforced shaming and peer pressure by the laity has long been a Catholic social control tool. A bit of return to sender seems poetic.
@yzek: Hmm. A short, self-righteous pithy statement that was obviously made to serve a refuge when someone spelled it out, sandwiched between more holier-than-thou dreck. Seems legit, amirite?
Also RE: your sins: I don’t need to be a policeman to recognize a crime. Just means I don’t have power of arrest. Besides, Church-enforced shaming and peer pressure by the laity has long been a Catholic social control tool. A bit of return to sender seems poetic.
Huh. Only God can test his faith, and we can’t say anything about it, but misogynists can condemn female bodies and make homophobic comments and claim they’re speaking for God and his judgements. Seems legit.
Also, dude. When you take umbrage at any criticism of the Church, or any attempt to change, you are effectively endorsing the Church’s massive child abuse cover up.
Im currently pretty neutral on porn since it is a tool for people.. But I am suspicious about the industry as a whole because I know there is blood there on people’s hands. Human traffickers and sex trafficking specifically is associated with porn. In Japan a while back a porn company was found out that they were abducting and raping real women for their rape fetish videos. They were just passed off as actresses who consented when they didn’t. They were caught and weren’t really punished after. Things like that make me sick… But I don’t think the nazis at the gab care about those issues
Alright, if Yzek is causing Lainy this level of distress, he’s definitely no longer a fun troll to bat around. I’ve alerted David and hopefully he will ensure that Yzek will not @Lainy again.
Lainy, take care of yourself. I’m sorry this brought up such bad memories for you.
There are definitely issues with some porn, and there is human trafficking, which is awful. However, I don’t think that banning porn would fix that. It would just cause the whole thing to go underground and there would be more trafficking and abuse.
My guess is that Nazis would actually like that. A lot of anti porn groups are opposed to female sexuality as a whole. This could be their motive. There are also some alt right conspiracy theories about Jews and porn.
Please take care of yourself. Yzek will be banned soon. I’m so sorry this devolved into this.
I’m sorry I didn’t know I was still so easily triggered. I thought I was better. I thought I was strong enough. Religion. The church. It’s such a comfort for me. But many in the same type as me have hurt me with it. It’s a wound that hasn’t healed as much as the other I guess. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be here
You don’t have anything to apologize for. Trauma just sometimes blindsides you. Be kind to yourself.
If you need to get out of here for a while for your own wellbeing, then take all the time and space you need. You’re always welcome here, and you can come back whenever you feel up to it.
It’s not your fault. We all have triggers, and it’s nothing you did wrong.
Like Catalpa said, you have nothing to apologize for. You belong here, and I’m sorry that idiots like Yzek show up. They don’t belong here.
@Lainy – Take care, I agree you have nothing to apologize for here. Shit like that happens, especially with smug snakes like him. I’m guessing when he noticed he’d hit a nerve he kept hitting on it for his personal asshole lulz.
He’ll probably feel smugly vindicated (#WINNING) by getting banned, but frankly that’s insignificant compared to your well-being.
It only speaks to how sad a troll like him is that getting kicked out is validation.
I would also like to have yzek banned. Hes been coming here since 2012. Sealions the shit outta threads. He is quoted to saying he likes to make people uncomfortable.
He riles up people, flees before he gets banned, reappears months later, rinse and repeat. Im tired of his shit. He needs to get a fucking life.
I’ve banned yzek.
hey does anyone want an open thread on the UK elections?
Also Scheer just stepped down as leader of the Conservatives in Canada, apparently the party was paying for four of his five kids to go to private school. (The fifth one is too young for school.)
So here’s hoping the party finds another candidate as unlikeable as he was! We’ve already got a minority liberal government, I don’t want a conservative one.
Though with the UK exit poll….. :C
@Rhuu – apparently an illiterati – As a fellow Soviet Canuckistani (/s) I couldn’t agree more concerning Scheer and his potential replacement.
And the UK situation is… less than optimal, I’d say. And here I thought the English were waking up from their bender…