
Hitler was a very nice fellow until SJWs started calling him a Nazi.: Today in Tweets

Saluting right in Der Fuehrer’s face

By David Futrelle

What a miserable weekend. All we can do is keep resisting. There are more of us than there are of them, and we have basic human decency on our side. A lot of people came out today across the country to show solidarity with the victims in Charlottesville, and there are more rallies planned.

On to the tweets:


Also from The Daily Stormer:

But that is in part of the motivation with these guys; more precisely, they’re angry that women can and do say no to them. See this thread:

You know you’ve really fucked up as a human being when you’re denounced by the tiki torch company.

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Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago

PS I don’t expect anyone to know what a byGOP is. I was going for just “GOP”. That is what we humans call “a typo”

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

GOP stands for “grand old party” which is what the Republicans often call themselves. I use it sometimes because it’s short to type out and to me it exemplifies how they’re the party of white male supremacy. It’s meant to be complementary, but to me it reads as regressive. Anyway, it’s just shorthand for “Republican.”

The primaries and caucuses are how the presidential nominee is decided. Each state votes and based on the vote they send delegates to the conventions for the parties and that’s where a candidate is officially nominated. In theory, each party can pick whoever they want to run but in recent decades have been going by voter choice. It’s a pretty convoluted process. I can go into extra detail if you like, but that’s the gist.

It wasn’t so much Bernie Sanders trashing Hillary Clinton. At least not above and beyond normal election politics. It was more that a very vocal contingent of his supporters have never accepted that he didn’t win. They heckled speakers at the convention and are a year later, still trolling around the internet bringing up how terribad Hillary Clinton every time the talk turns to politics. It’s pretty bad form when we’re dealing with the literal fascist in the white house and their is often an element of misogyny in the hatred of her. Thus any derails about how Hillary is bad have tended to be met with hostility here.

Hope that’s a decent enough primer.

Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago

@WWTH That’s great, thank you, I didn’t expect you to go into such detail! How kind! Especially considering this is an American site and you would have been well within your rights to say err why don’t you Google it Violet

Haha I genuinely thought the GOP was not anything to do with republicans or democrats and was instead some kind of group of rich aristocratic idiots who had some kind of power for no very good reason. Basically, I’ve just realised I assumed they were the American version of the House of Lords.

Laugher at Bigots, Full Blown Future Heretical Frankist Whistleblower Neo-Hippie Resurgent

Haha I genuinely thought the GOP was not anything to do with republicans or democrats and was instead some kind of group of rich aristocratic idiots who had some kind of power for no very good reason.

That is basically the Republican party.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
6 years ago

@Violet the Vile

Yeah, the Democratic primaries season was very tame and gentle compared to how these things usually go. Bernie praised Hillary in every debate, and Hillary spoke well of Bernie. Hillary’s campaign against Obama in 2008 was significantly more hostile (and racist as fuck). There were a few tense moments between Hillary and Bernie, especially at one point when Hillary had insinuated that Bernie might not be entirely qualified to be POTUS (she didn’t say it outright), and Bernie replied by calling Hillary unqualified (citing mostly BS reasons).

WWTH is absolutely right in pointing out that there’s a group of Bernie supporters (or worse, Jill Stein supporters) who simply won’t let the primaries go, and are determined to spend the rest of their days whining about how Bernie would’ve won. They generally use right wing talking points, such as Hillary cheated in the primary debates, Hillary has Parkinson’s disease, Hillary is a total b***h, Hillary murdered Set Rich, Hillary runs a pedophile ring, etc.

Likewise, and this is frustratingly often not acknowledged in this comment section, there’s a group of Hillary supporters who simply won’t let the primaries go, and are determined to spend the rest of their days whining about how Hillary would’ve won, had it not been for Bernie. They generally use right wing talking points, such as Bernie is a communist/socialist, Bernie’s ideas are pipe dreams, Bernie never had a proper job, Bernie never got anything done in the Senate, Bernie has three homes and is therefore a hypocrite, Bernie stole cable from his neighbor, Bernie used his political office to pressure banks about loans, Bernie made some money off his book deal and is therefore a hypocrite, Bernie’s wife committed fraud, etc.

Both these groups are absolute fucking idiots who ought to just become Republicans and be done with it.

Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago

@WWTH, @Imaginary Petal

Ah, I get it now. How irritating. They both lost and you can’t change the results of the election so maybe you should just start dealing with who you actually have in the White House?

I have been told (on other forums, by Trumpanzees) that I am not entitled to an opinion about Trump because I’m not American. Well, I have one anyway. Also, if he is going to start threatening nuclear war, then he is a world-wide problem, and from a British point of view he will automatically drag us into any war he starts because of the goddamn fucking “special relationship” (Yes, Trumpanzee, the Americans saved our asses in WWII. I personally would not be alive if you hadn’t, as both my granddad would probably have been killed before having my mum. Thank you. But that was nearly a hundred years ago, and I’d like to think we are done paying that off after Afghanistan and Iraq so please shut up about how we owe you our freedom)

Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago

@WWTH, @Imaginary Petal

Ah, I get it now. How irritating. They both lost and you can’t change the results of the election so maybe you should just start dealing with who you actually have in the White House?

I have been told (on other forums, by Trumpanzees) that I am not entitled to an opinion about Trump because I’m not American. Well, I have one anyway. Also, if he is going to start threatening nuclear war, then he is a world-wide problem, and from a British point of view he will automatically drag us into any war he starts because of the goddamn fucking “special relationship” (Yes, Trumpanzee, the Americans saved our asses in WWII. I personally would not be alive if they hadn’t, as both my granddads would probably have been killed. Thank you. But that was nearly a hundred years ago, and I’d like to think we are done paying that off after the amount of people we lost in Iraq so please shut up about how we owe you our freedom)

Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
6 years ago

Aaargh double post. Sorry.

6 years ago

Chris Ray Gun is such a gigantic piece of shit.

Yeah, dude, your feelings are way more goddamn important than the fact vocal white supremacists willingly employ violence against counter protestors…

6 years ago

@Ignore Sandra: Sorry for the late reply, but deepest condolences for your kitty loss. If it’s any consolation, your cat probably wanted to go out alone, anyway– it’s in their instinctual nature to seek out isolation in their final hours, as part of a way of not showing weakness to others. By providing your cat with a comfy nest and helping to make those last hours as pain-free as possible, you did everything you could.

@Dalilama: I read D’s message as saying that the moderates offered little AND the liberals offered nothing, not that they were the same group.

6 years ago

@Ignore Sandra

I’m so sorry to hear about your kitty! I think I have an idea as to how you feel though, my last fur baby (who I always called my Baby Girl) died of kidney failure. I’m sure (after the fact) that there were signs of it, but I didn’t notice. On her last day she didn’t want to be away from me at all, I brought her some water and it went right through her (and onto my top ’cause I was holding her). At that point I clued in that her kidneys had failed, and I couldn’t do a damn thing to help her because we had maybe $5 total. I spent all day with her and stayed up as late as I could manage, when I had to sleep my partner stayed with her, and by the time I woke up she was ‘gone’. She was always super affectionate, and I all but ignored her that last year. I still feel like utter shit when I think about that.

My deepest condolences to you.

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