dance party off topic open thread YouTube

New Year's Eve (and Day) Open Thread 80s Dance Party!

On the wheels of steel
On the wheels of steel

It’s New Year’s Eve (at least in my time zone) and I’m sure none of us want to spend it thinking about MRAs or PUAs or GamerGaters. So here’s an open thread, and an assortment of 80s dance classics, to distract you! Well, they’re classics to me, anyway.

Videos after the jump.

If you’re not up and dancing by now, maybe these guys will inspire you:

Happy New Year!

Oh, and if any trolls show their heads in this thread, email the mods and we’ll get the bouncers to remove them.

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9 years ago

Bother! First blockquote monster of the year for me!

9 years ago

It has only belatedly occurred to me that wearing said pirate ship fascinator to a wedding might be seen as peacocking.

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