
#GamerGate Manifesto Translated into English

Courtesy of somewhat_brave
Courtesy of somewhat_brave

This graphic by somewhat_brave on Reddit pretty much nails it. (Click here to see a larger version.) When #GamerGaters talk about “ethics” in journalism, this is pretty much code for “journalists shouldn’t be allowed to say anything critical of us!”

And in case you missed the all-Cat version of the manifesto, here it is again:

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9 years ago

yea, scarves. start at scarves. they are literally just squares that never end and it’s super simple…

In other news, I have three half pairs of gloves for my sister I keep making but then they aren’t the right size and I like other colours and… yea, i definitely need to actually finish one of these gd pairs one day…

kittehserf - MOD
9 years ago

yea, scarves. start at scarves. they are literally just squares that never end and it’s super simple…

Which is exactly how Tom Baker’s scarf got knitted – the woman doing it was given so much wool and got carried away!

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
9 years ago

Oh, here’s a fun one. Some guy asked on a forum “So what is this gamer gate thing people are on about,” a few other people and I responded with Wiki and RationalWiki links giving a full timeline with sources, one jackass posted a lengthier version of “ZOE QUINN FIVE GUYS FEMINAZI SJWS SLUTS SLUTS SLUTS IT’S ABOUT ETHICS,” we got ignored and the jackass got thanked. The asker knew exactly what his opinion on this idiocy is and just wanted to waste our time, didn’t he.

9 years ago

Tadhg Kelly with a piece on how GamerGate is pretty much disintegrating as the non-trolls start to distance themselves from it in greater numbers. Predictably for the crowd who took a call for greater inclusiveness as a personal attack at them and their hobby, the GGers are already finding ways to discredit him as another “SJW shill!”. Instead of actually taking on board the bits of advice that might make something positive out of the rubble.

9 years ago

In order for that to occur “making something positive happen” would have to be the goal, which it never was.

9 years ago


Absolutely, and that’s Kelly’s point (which I articulated poorly). Despite what the small number of duped “moderate” GGers are claiming, the movement can’t be “salvaged” because it’s fundamentally broken and poisoned.

The only useful purpose its noisy rise and demise might serve is to show how important it is that gaming culture adapts to include and cater to a much broader and more diverse audience than the “core market” GGers are claiming they’re defending the interests of. That, and showing that Twitter is way broken and needs much better mechanisms for handling abuse!

9 years ago

More than that, ideally it might demonstrate that, despite ongoing hiccups, society as a whole has moved past the point where this kind of shit is socially acceptable. So, for the people still pushing it, the message is – you’ve lost, give it up already.

9 years ago

“Despite what the small number of duped “moderate” GGers are claiming, the movement can’t be “salvaged” because it’s fundamentally broken and poisoned.”

Why did you use the word “poisoned”? Are you a MRA? Watch out, or David will write a piece about the striking similarities between your language and that of death threats.

9 years ago

If I may ask a question about something from a page or two back:

I wonder if they will take it down when they read the more recent confession by Gonji that he lied about pretty much everything.

@thebewilderness, or anyone with the info –

I’ve been following the GamerGate mess pretty closely, but somehow I missed that one. Is there a (preferably non-head-desky) place to read more details on it? I had heard he had released some sort of statement claiming to be sad that dumping his little diatribe in a cesspool with a long history of harassing Quinn ending up getting her harassed more, but I’ve never heard that he retracted anything from the original spiel.

Re: the present comment thread: that dress is spectacular. 10/10 would wear with a killer pair of boots.

9 years ago

kittehserf, that is gorgeous 🙂

9 years ago

kittehs, oh my that’s beautiful. Almost making me start to learn to knit if you can get things like thát at the end! 🙂

9 years ago

I mean, come on. It’s a given that mamas love their kids and would walk through fire for them.

Yeah, no. Not every person who gives birth is a good mama.

9 years ago

That knit dress is stunning. If I only had the time…and the cash…

9 years ago

Kootiepatra, I read about it in a thread on Lawyers Guns & Money. There is a link there.
Basicaly he splains that they were broken up at the time that Zoe had sexual relations with men not him and that he was at that time having sexual relations with women not Zoe. You may recall that that was his justification lie for seeking revenge against her. That she cheated on him. Nope.
Anyway. Check out the thread on LG&M.

kittehserf - MOD
9 years ago

Glad y’all like that dress! That designer does some beautiful stuff. You can see it on Ravelry, too.

9 years ago

Lol. You know your gaming movement is terrible when Rolling Fucking Stone condemns you…

9 years ago

Thanks, thebewilderness! I shall look it up momentarily.

9 years ago

Apologies in advance for the tangent of this comment and potential blockquote failure, but my search-fu is crap today. Not sure if this is even the correct post, but here goes.

What would a hypothetically constructed world in which Feminism has been decisively defeated, and women have been returned to their natural condition as Slaves look like?

SF writer Suzy McKee Charnas wrote a tetralogy (not a quadrilogy, Hollywood nincomptwits!) called the Holdfast Chronicles on this topic. Titles are Walk to the End of the World (1974), Motherlines (1978), The Furies (1994) and The Conqueror’s Child (1999). Tough read due to the despair infused into the first and second books, but worth a look. I recommend it, fwiw; it ends better than it starts.

9 years ago

Ahem. That should be:

Titles are Walk to the End of the World (1974), Motherlines (1978), The Furies (1994) and The Conqueror’s Child (1999). Tough read due to the despair infused into the first and second books, but worth a look. I recommend it, fwiw; it ends better than it starts.

9 years ago

What would a hypothetically constructed world in which Feminism has been decisively defeated, and women have been returned to their natural condition as Slaves look like?

Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.

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