antifeminism confused cats against feminism

In which I get an email from Women Against Feminism [CORRECTION: THE EMAIL WAS FROM A COPYCAT SITE]

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Just posted this on Confused Cats Against Feminism, but it was too good not to post here as well:

So I just got this curiously impersonal email from the admin at Women Against Feminism. (Gosh! Could it be a form letter?)

Hi David Futrelle,

I wanted to say thanks for writing the article about Women Against Feminism.

Whilst it’s clear that we don’t agree on all points, hearing both sides of the argument will get more people thinking about what they believe in and which set of points they feel aligned with more closely.

This can only be a positive step forward, not only for women, but for society as a whole.

To help get more people thinking about what they really believe, I was wondering if you could make add a link to our new website in your article?

We’re trying to create a centrally located hub where the discussion about Women and Feminism can flourish, with everyone getting a chance to share their opinions, and we believe that a website is the best place to do it.

Would you be able to help facilitate that conversation by adding a link to the site?

The URL is

Once again, thanks for furthering the discussion about women and feminism through your article. Even though we don’t agree on all the same points, we really appreciate getting these concepts heard and empowering people to make up their own mind.

Many thanks,

[name and email redacted]

So I wrote back:

There already is a central hub for this discussion:

Could you redirect all of your traffic there? Thanks!

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9 years ago

I love it when they can’t stick the flounce. No, Cardowen, you’ve not won any particular awards for argumentation and debate. Please feel free to fuck right off.

(PS: There are currently over 250 million adults in the US alone. This means that you failed to get 1 percent of 1 percent of the population to support your quaint little crusade–and that’s assuming that all of those supporters are legit supporters [as opposed to sign-for-hire workers] AND are all from the US. If your support is coming from a more global perspective, then you’re an even more minor statistical blip. Congrats on your utter irrelevance and impotence.)

Abacus Toms
Abacus Toms
9 years ago

Are you guys aware of this?

JB is going to “debate” a youtube teenager on feminism tonight. It involves The Amazing Atheist.

A wolverine
A wolverine
9 years ago

@abacus toms
makes me wonder if she doesnt know about TAA or JBs history.

because if it were me i’d tell em to piss up a rope, they cant follow the rules of a formal debate, debating them gives their side far too much credit and it is Incredibly likely that MRA “activism” will target her afterwards

9 years ago


Do you care that 17k people are so afraid of feminism that they are publicly denouncing it?

Nope. Any other stupid questions you want to ask?

Abacus Toms
Abacus Toms
9 years ago

@A wolverine

Several people warned her about TAA in the comments of her youtube channel. However, I doubt she knows much about the MRA or AVFM. TAA promised her an informal discussion. I didn’t know who she was going to be up against until just now. I don’t think she knows what she is walking into.

Awesomerants has a tumblr. Should I create a tumblr to msg her? I am new to this stuff myself. Is there a particular post here I should send her?

9 years ago

Do you care that 17k people are so afraid of feminism that they are publicly denouncing it?

Feeling safe enough to publicly denounce something suggests there is little, actual fear.

Logic is not your strong point, but we knew that already.

9 years ago

Feminism is, at its core, to guarantee basic, inherent human rights to all people, including women. And it is in the nature of basic rights that they are not up for a majority vote. Even in a fair vote, the majority does not get to take away my rights. Why should they get to take away women’s rights? So numbers really don’t matter here.

9 years ago

*is at its core a *struggle* to guarantee…


Abacus Toms
Abacus Toms
9 years ago

I got a friend to privately message Awesomerants on tumblr. However, it might be too late. I am genuinely concerned about this girl. I suppose all I can do is pray.

9 years ago

Carodwen Nightwillow,
Two things.
1. Stick the flounce. You won’t be missed.
2. I can’t read your name without thinking of “Obsidian Blackbird McNight”:

I just keep thinking of Howard saying, “I did a shit on it” and snickering.
Thanks for that.

I must now turn my back on you.

9 years ago

This is why I don’t bother giving a shit about feminists groups. you only care about one another you give no actual shits about anyone else. I have learned all I need to know. Enjoy your ideology. and know that when it fails its women like you that caused it.

What?! Look what your Tumblr kittehs hath wrought, David! I was just about to go to a boardroom meeting when I got sucked in to your devious mindgames, and now I’ve missed the meeting, am off the board, my bills aren’t going to bed passed and all because of you. Yoooouuuuu and your adorable kittens with amusing and befuddling messages.

I. Hope. You’re. Happy.

That’s it. I’m going to join a site that REALLY respects women. Like AVFM. Whores.

9 years ago

Are we supposed to be chastened because 17000 people don’t like feminism? There is probably nothing in this world that doesn’t have that many people opposed to. There are probably that many people who don’t like puppies. Who cares?

9 years ago

Content note for general fuck-up-edness:

JudgyBitch just said that trans and non-binary people are sick and need medical treatment.

9 years ago

This is on that video “debate” someone posted up thread.

9 years ago

She seemed to just blame feminism for trans and non-binary folks too.

The young woman debating her seems kind of flabbergasted by her.

9 years ago

Also, she acknowledges women are hurt more by IPV than men, but it’s because women are stupid and should expect to be hit back when they provoke men.

9 years ago

Mainstream feminists are cunts, bitches, and witches stirring a cauldron.

(Is this live commentary annoying? Let me know.)

9 years ago

TAA just compared “Teach men not to rape” to “Teach black people not to steal.”

9 years ago

Asking about consent is treating women like children. Or kittens.

Abacus Toms
Abacus Toms
9 years ago

@cloudiah. I appreciate the commentary. I stopped watching after the ignorant transphobic comments. I’ve been burnt out on internet bs as of late.

9 years ago

TAA most communication is non-verbal, so asking for verbal consent is stupid.

9 years ago

I appreciate the commentary too. I do not want to watch through what you’re watching.

9 years ago

JB: If I invite you to my house, and I ask you to sit at my table, and I put a plate of food in front of you, that doesn’t mean I’ve consented to feed you. [Making fun of consent again.]

if you went to their room and made out with someone, it’s reasonable for them to assume you want to have sex.

9 years ago

TAA: We can’t protect people from being taken advantage of.

steampunked (@steampunked)

I can’t read Carodwen’s comments without a cringe because her name is SO CLOSE to my RL name – both of them.

Though it gives me some joy – my first name is a realllly badly mispelled version of ‘Cerridwen’, but I’m glad to see that someone else got suckered with a worse one.