western women suck

>Creepy Dude Tech: Design your own Asian girl!

>Attention all Western-women-hating Asian fetishist dudes! Have real Asian girls turned out to be way less submissive than you imagined? Or are they simply disgusted by you? There’s a solution, in the form of an actual iPhone app called Design Your Dream Asian Girl. The 99 cent app, from Spendthrift Studios, allows you to mix-and-match features of young Asian women until you find the perfect imaginary woman to stare creepily at until your iPhone runs down its charge: 

You can finally create the beautiful asian girl of your dreams! This app brings you hundreds of beautiful asian girls around the world. Customize your own dream asian girl.

Among the features:

Pick the ethnicity for your asian girl first: China, Korea, Taiwan. More countries coming soon. 

What? No Japan?! Luckily they all look alike.*

Pick the eyes, lips, and nose for your dream asian girl. Hundreds of beautiful combinations offered

Share your girl via e-mail to your friends

 Come on! The guys in the target demographic for this app have no friends. If they do, their friends may reconsider the friendships after receiving a half-dozen pics of weirdly mix-and-matched Asian faces with the text “HEY GUIZE LOOK AT MY HOTT NEW ASIAN GF!!!!!”

Oh, and if you want to be extra creepy?

Make your dream girl look like someone you know, like your secret lover or ex-girlfriend.

By “secret lover” I imagine they mean “stalking victim.” And by “ex-girlfriend” I assume they mean “girl you went out with once and whom you’re also stalking.” Science marches on.

* For Coldfire and any other idiots who are incapable of understanding humor (or who wish to pretend that I am racist), the line about Asians looking alike was from the POV of a potential purchaser of this app, and does not reflect my own opinion.  

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13 years ago

>I just love how anonymous at 1:41 pm says that men are the only ones who create culture, and thus are responsible for it.Yet ironically, childhood socialization of both sexes is done by women, and when the teen and grown years hit both men and women shape the culture through such interactions as the sexual marketplace.Supposedly men "police" masculinity , yet in reality most men form their ideas about manhood from their female relatives and same age peers of both sexes. Dad is significantly less involved than he used to be.In any case, because men aren't primarily responsible for this culture but at best halfway responsible for it, anonymouses argument collapses.Clarence

13 years ago

>Not only that but the most objectionable aspects of this culture that concern male-female relations were created by feminists, yet the feminist tries to use intellectually dishonest sleight of hand to change the subject to that of the entire culture. Artful dodger indeed.

13 years ago

>Alright… so no proof that consent was not obtained. Got it. Next question: Do you consider women who buy those dildos molded in a cast of a porn-stars penis to be equally objectionable or "creepy" If not: Why?

13 years ago

>Alright… so no proof that consent was obtained. Got it. I've got this great app with evilwhiteempire's picture! I'm going to go show it to my leather-bear friends in the Castro and we're going to play Ookie Cookie with it! đŸ˜€ No reason he should mind, right?

13 years ago

>There is no proof either way about whether consent was obtained, so stop speculating and salivating over that point.

13 years ago

>"I've got this great app with evilwhiteempire's picture! I'm going to go show it to my leather-bear friends in the Castro and we're going to play Ookie Cookie with it!"Have fun!

13 years ago

>"I just love how anonymous at 1:41 pm says that men are the only ones who create culture, and thus are responsible for it."Just repeating what men themselves love to say, that they are the sole creators of culture (society, civilization, whatever). Perhaps I should have added "when it suits them".Men (more specifically, those who frequent MRA sites and the like) also like to expound on the great need to control female sexuality, because if it is allowed to go unchecked, female sexuality runs rampant. But this voracious female sexual appetite disappears when these same men want to defend, say, pornography. Suddenly it's the male's voracious sexual appetite, that women don't understand because their appetite is not nearly as great, that is being left unfulfilled.As I said, American women don't corner the market in excesses of blame-shifting and hypocrisy.

13 years ago

>"As I said, American women don't corner the market in excesses of blame-shifting and hypocrisy."The problem is that without MRA's and various other creeps and weirdos who else is there to call you girls out on yours?