idiocy MRA oppressed men reddit

>Help, Help I’m being oppressed! Manicures and Matriarchy Edition


Ok, I take back everything I’ve said on this blog. Men truly are oppressed. Take a look at the second and third hottest posts on the Men’s Rights subreddit at the moment:

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13 years ago

>Ampersand's Defense of … "Petty" Complaints would appear to be as applicable to MRAs' as it is to feminists'.

David Futrelle
13 years ago

>Hmm. I think I might have to ponder that and maybe do a post on it at some point. I do think that the number of legitimate "petty complaints" woman have far outnumbers those of men, though.

13 years ago

>"I do think that the number of legitimate "petty complaints" woman have far outnumbers those of men, though."I greatly doubt you have ever counted the number of legitimate "petty complaints" made by either sex, nor even that you have objective criteria for deciding whether a complaint is "legitimate" or for that matter, "petty". Even if you did, since when has the number of such complaints ever been a measure of anything?Your remark sounds like the starter pistol for the oppression olympics.

13 years ago

>I think, you should first of all read through various MRA-related forums to get an idea about our complaints.It seems you are a rather lonely and sad guy who was never out of the USA.

13 years ago

>yohan:"I think, you should first of all read through various MRA-related forums to get an idea about our complaints"Duh. This whole web site is devoted to that. He has.

David Futrelle
13 years ago

>Yep. I have. I've read them and read them. It's why I started this blog.