I’m sorry I didn’t upload this before, if there are some amongst you who want to discuss the, er, situation. I have been obsessing about this election for months now and I think that now we’re here I find I’m too anxious to watch the returns coming in as a Trump victory would be the biggest disaster for this country since, I dunno, the civil war? I took a peek at Twitter about twenty minutes ago (I refuse to use its other name) and the people I follow are all sounding very gloomy and now I’m more tense and scared than I have ever been about this election. The Russian bomb threats aren’t helping the situation. I don’t know if I’ll even check the news again tonight (who am I kidding, I will) but if you guys feel like chatting here’s a place to do it.
We are in the bad timeline now
I saw the Pennsylvania results and fear that it’s a loss at this point. I can’t even think about it. I’m going to try and sleep. I hate this.
I am thoroughly horrified that that man will be the President of the United States again, after everything. This can only happen in a deeply sexist and racist country.
Welcome to the utterly despotic neo-dark-ages! My sister Kate and myself have been discussing means to help any potential refugees a means of escaping a nation of internment camps and genocide. Now that the GOP has finally outed themselves as a nation of slave owning undereducated white privilege only viewing women as domestic property, flat earther’s and total science deniers, what’s next? The United Nations will have to finally move to Geneva. Here was I, hoping this would never happen and when yesterday the son of Billy Graham announced that heaven is almost exclusively populated by white angels, I had to wheel back my wheelchair and shudder. The Rainbow Community is now in dire danger everywhere where people speak English.
Who on this planet doesn’t feel scared, is those who wear Crocs and only read one book?
Well… This is horrible. I don’t live in the US, but my own fascist Beloved Leader(tm) (who I never voted for) loves this outcome and my anxiety levels are through the roof again.
Hello Mammothers, I thought of you today- used to drop by this site from time to time but didn’t comment much. This is just some love and sympathy from the UK; please ignore any ‘you had one job, America’ postings that I’m already seeing on twitter. We know that every single member of the reality-based community will have done exactly that one job, and devastatingly it wasn’t enough. Please feel loved and feel lifted up by your own communities. This too will pass.
Lemme guess. She won the popular vote, but lost the soil vote.
I’ve asked my husband to hug me a lot this morning.
I feel sick. I want to heave my guts out. I wish I liked alcohol more. I want off this fucking planet, or at least this shitty country.
The cultists have reinstated a convicted felon and rapist, misogynist, grifter, pathological liar, and bigot of all stripes. Again. Orange Shitler is back, and I don’t think we’ll recover this time. We hadn’t even healed much after kicking him out the first time. And now all the vile, nasty cultists of his know they can go full mask-off (figuratively and literally) and still win. They’ve been embracing and flaunting their Inner Asshole ever since this sleezebag oozed onto the scene and was taken seriously instead of being laughed off. They can be as horrible as they want, commit all the crimes they want, and still win. No consequences. As long as you’re rich, powerful, white, and male, (or have connections to those people) you can step on anyone else to get what you want in this country, and the system will back you up.
And once again, a smart, capable, competent woman loses to the most brain-dead piece of shit that could be dredged up. White or POC, a woman loses to a misogynistic sex offender. And that’s the takeaway dems are gonna have. Who knows when they’ll “risk” running a woman again? They’ll keep running back to the “safe” choice of mediocre, bland, old, white, center-right leaning men just to feel like they have a fighting chance.
I’m sorry, I just can’t deal with another four fucking years (minimum) of this shit again. This feels even worse than it did the first time this happened. This time people knew what he was capable of and they let this happen again anyway.
Goodbye, America. It was (mostly) nice knowing you.
All i want to know is How this affects gun rights?
I don’t even live in America anymore (I moved to a different country in 2018), but if he does end up winning, I’m so sorry for all the Americans.
At this point our only hope
is Oni-wan Kenobiis if Harris can pull off a ‘Hail Mary’ pass by demanding a recount of the closest states. (Evidently some of the battleground states are close enough for her to legit call for one.) IF those states somehow get flipped to blue, or worse, if enough of those red votes were found to be false….…I have no idea what would happen then. Besides the mother of all snafus appearing.
Many hugs as needed to all the US Mammotheers. <3<3
Even when Trump got up to 266 (out of 271 needed to win) there was still a reasonable hope that it would go 270-270, which would be an “oh come on” cherry on top of the ridiculous sundae this political season has been (Does anyone remember back when it was most definitely going to be Biden versus DeSantis?), or even 271-269 if we were really lucky (due to Maine splitting its votes). But with the orange clown winning Wisconsin by a razor-thin margin that went out the window.
I mean… maaaayyyybe stuff could change in a few weeks if there are recounts in the close states. But recounts rarely change anything, and there’s definitely going to be a bad reaction to that if it does.
…also, about the header image: Dixville Notch only has six voters period, and they voted 3-3. Why does it say 95% counted? Is the other 5% “we technically haven’t submitted them yet?”
I’m in a scarlet town in a vermilion county in the U.S.’ phallic gun butt, and my family has made it clear that this is
(A) the Great Good Place of Content and Fulfillment, and
(B) where I’m going to spend the rest of my life, mostly on their tab, and some forelock-tugging gratitude—cheerful, mind you!—would be nice.
…Just remembered that there are a couple people who never pay attention to the news because they can’t stand hearing about bad stuff happening in the world, and rely on me to tell them anything they really should know about so they don’t get blindsided by anything likely to affect them personally. Really not looking forward to that.
I wish that was true. Shockingly, she didn’t even win the popular vote. How so many people could have voted for Trump is beyond me.
@Jono: West Coast states are slow, with millions of votes still to be counted. Current predictions is the final popular vote will be much closer, roughly tied. “Roughly tied” does give the possibility of “slightly ahead”, but that would be the coldest of comforts.
…also, about the header image: Dixville Notch only has six voters period, and they voted 3-3. Why does it say 95% counted? Is the other 5% “we technically haven’t submitted them yet?”
Got me: divide 100 by 6, and each individual represents 16.6̅%.
Maybe it’s a joke about how they’re waiting on the nonexistent military, overseas, and/or provisional votes? Assuming that someone didn’t just edit a generic picture and forgot to change the total.
And argh. I was hoping to get a better look at the West Coast returns just because I’m morbidly curious what the popular vote totals actually are, but California and Oregon haven’t reported anything new since this morning, and Washington has been going up 1% every few hours (at time of writing, it’s still only 71% complete). Either they’re in no hurry because Harris conceded or they’re going to do most or all of what’s left in one big dump whenever it’s done. Or both.
I can’t stop crying
Hello. I made a couple of unsubstantial comments with this nickname years ago.
Trump’s victory is also very bad news here in Spain. I’d like to send you a big hug, a bit like Alan Burns above.
The only way I can look at this disaster without being drowned in impotence is by thinking: we are stronger, we also have an agency, we’ll get through this.
Trump and his like (some in power in Europe are even worse) succeed because millions have lost faith in the political class. When that happens extremists get their chance, as they did in the 30’s. Disillusion with politics isn’t a surprise as they’re corrupt. We know how it ended in the 30’s let’s hope its not a repeat, but I’m pessimistic.